Riots in Hungary
category: general [glöplog]
We don't speak klingon.
allrite, time for a new rotfrontkämpferbund in hungary then. i hope the radical left is strong enough to fight that nationalist scum.
Beholve Klingon technologies:

It's slightly naive to assume that the types of 'intelligence' which are the focus of the IQ test have any value outside the context of the test itself.

Anyway those Russian freaks could place their statues somewhere on their own lawn and quit pretending that the soviet borders are still standing. Look at the Estonia "riots", well streetviolence at least, where the Estonian government
wanted to move a warhero statue from the central park to a soldiers graveyard..believe me there was trouble, even at governmental level. I think
the Hungarian police was under pressure from their government, which was under pressure from kreml to use all methods to stop statuemoving/trashing and therefore they took it all out on tomcat(they even had domestic reasons to blame)
wanted to move a warhero statue from the central park to a soldiers graveyard..believe me there was trouble, even at governmental level. I think
the Hungarian police was under pressure from their government, which was under pressure from kreml to use all methods to stop statuemoving/trashing and therefore they took it all out on tomcat(they even had domestic reasons to blame)
They could also place them up your ass. Maybe you had a hard time under the Soviets but do you think Mr Adolf would have done a better job? If so you are seriously fucked...
ah, the good old "which nationality you would prefer to be killed by" debate :D
... and yes, that would've been the only f-king alternative! There is no way in this world that the Allies would've beaten Germany without Mr Stalin.
Gargaj: you got a point there mate...
god save hungary from all this bullshit
55 is clinically retarded
Phew, am I ever glad to hear that. A few points higher and I'd have to start thinking about moving into a group home.
El Topo: Stalin wasn't beating anyone, the Soviet soldiers did. I'm 100percent sure they would have kicked Hitlers ass even without that fat moustasche-farmer (up your statue-obsessed ass) /END
He sure was a great fella! How about starting a Random Stalin thread?
Stalin wasn't beating anyone, the Soviet soldiers did.
no no no! it was only the weapons that did anything evil. noone's guilty!
in a second thought, i think we should curse material pyhsics and vulnurability of animal body. after all particles of weapons were only following a minimum energy path.
El Topo: Stalin wasn't beating anyone, the Soviet soldiers did. I'm 100percent sure they would have kicked Hitlers ass even without that fat moustasche-farmer (up your statue-obsessed ass) /END
Hello mr obvious
El Topo:
Huvudet på spiken, mr i_reached_nirvana_when_watching_discovery-channel
Huvudet på spiken, mr i_reached_nirvana_when_watching_discovery-channel
I seriously just wanted to paste a pic relating to the link, but I guess this was inevitable:

Nazitomcat on it again?
fairly recent. (an hour ago or so.)
nothing special. here in italy it happens almost every sunday during every football match...
aaaaaand the mandatory tomcat picture: