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farbrausch demo tools open source

category: code [glöplog]
smash, still worth it :)

i'd have expected less "how do i use this" and more complaining about the code though :)
added on the 2012-04-30 17:21:03 by ryg ryg
The code actually looks really nice from what I've browsed through so far. A bit peculiar stylewise (but I'm used to the whole 'own platform defs' deal for multiplatform stuff) but otherwise, from the looks of it, loads better than most stuff out there.
added on the 2012-04-30 17:30:00 by superplek superplek
ryg: come on, you lost the ugly code compo waaay back :)
added on the 2012-04-30 17:30:56 by smash smash
Ugly code wins compos.
added on the 2012-04-30 17:34:39 by gloom gloom
Oh look who spotted a JPEG about the evil of frameworks :)
added on the 2012-04-30 17:36:26 by superplek superplek
superplek: but also lots of rather questionable stuff (tons of copypasta, full of #ifdefs, the weird wz3 dispatch mechanism) and a serious (possibly terminal) case of framework-itis. :)

anyway i expected lots of reddit-ish comments about how we're clearly using the wrong indentation style, not practicing the one true OOD and shit like that. obviously i was wrong. :)
added on the 2012-04-30 17:44:33 by ryg ryg
Framework-itis: check. Though it doesn't seem to be "too much" code for what it does. The indenting is a bit weird yeah, but I've seen enough different codebases not to worry about that anymore. Key element is readability through consistency (and a halfway sensible choice to begin with) and on those terms it does okay. And in bigger codebases maintained by multiples you simply get that #ifdef crazyness. It's just business.

Personally I've started evangelizing <stdint.h> a little bit for all your ubiquitous types, also porting it to whatever platform I need it that doesn't have it (like some consoles). But other than that there's simply not a lot you can seriously question outside of a few algorithmic choices perhaps (not that I have any so far).
added on the 2012-04-30 17:49:29 by superplek superplek
ryg: that's because the people who actually _read_ the code don't mind, since it's not their code.
added on the 2012-04-30 18:00:34 by Gargaj Gargaj
the gui stuff was inspiring.
your code sure doesn't look as bad as the shader code from kewlers. ;p
added on the 2012-04-30 18:38:07 by nystep nystep
As far as clarity of released code goes (from the ones I looked at anyway): FR, Traction > ... > mfx > ... > ASD. :)
added on the 2012-04-30 19:18:37 by tomaes tomaes
(and shader code will almost always end up messy)
added on the 2012-04-30 19:19:23 by tomaes tomaes
random question inbetween. if some of the fr guys (mosdef kb knows) could tell me how long the kkrieger samples are in ms? they all the same length right? i wanna use the sfx.v2m and just addsample per offset in the wave chunk. the vfx loader doesn't do anything still. dunno how to fix that file it seems to be bogus and hard to track - that maybe another version?

thx for help. :)
added on the 2012-04-30 20:08:43 by yumeji yumeji
re "lots of rather questionable stuff "

well, isn't democode usually a mess due to deadlines, informal structure, etc?
And if not, whose isn't?, says the curious student.
I've seen plenty of clean demoscene code and plenty of SHIT work-code, so there really is no "one right answer here" :)
added on the 2012-04-30 20:30:34 by gloom gloom
clearly the beauty of the code depends highly on the number of managers and other pilkkunussijat of all sorts that you have on the back when you code. :D

oh well. life is life. that's it. :)
added on the 2012-04-30 20:47:20 by nystep nystep
@yumeji - thanks for the joke ;)

ok, i found the reason for crash. if u create a scene on wz3 and under demosettings is no *.v2m file included, then u can run the demo ( but only without loop).
If u check the loop option, then it runs one time (without v2m-sound) and then it crashes and the debugger spring to v2m section. so i included a v2m file on wz3..reload..and then export to *.kx.
on demo_config to set v2 to 0 (does not compile anymore)
? any solution for that option to create scenes and to test it with loop option (without to include a v2m file ? thanks
added on the 2012-05-01 00:30:46 by quickyman quickyman
quickyman: test looping scenes? huh? what you mean? you can do that intool. just place the time at the start and press f7 change the song lenght in the demo settings to change the length of the loop.

the general player loop demo switch is literally to LOOP THE DEMO. and btw what's a demo without music?! ;)
added on the 2012-05-01 13:12:32 by yumeji yumeji
btw. if you've been clever at setting up the base and demoplayer config and oplist for compiling they do just ALL OPS and the same for both - just switching the music code for the player. that way there's really nothing to test there. :)
added on the 2012-05-01 13:15:31 by yumeji yumeji
@Yumeji : try to load \werkkzeug3\data\intro.k -> then "export" -> intro.kx
under wz3 it is running as example (turning torus -> turning cube)
now try to compile "intro player" with include of *.kx
try to runn the intro executable -- you will see not that 2 scenes, what is running under wz3

-too : i tried to create 2 scenes (event´s are correctly set under timeline). To ruin as demo - ok. the same to run under intro player ( it starts -> calculate -> white screen )
something it will to in the background, but white. on demo player it runs perfectly.
It contains no bug informations on export under wz3 ( tried to set demo settings as "demo" or "intro" is not the secret.
added on the 2012-05-01 21:36:23 by quickyman quickyman
dunno what's your problem? you need music in for the time!!! cause... it works fine here. with music and exporting and oplisting and asmblobing and packing. get's a nice 62k "intro" with josie's tune. :D

except the tune doesn't play well in the player without ronan and timing. but works in wz. so...
added on the 2012-05-02 00:26:59 by yumeji yumeji
Wz demos/intros only ever use music as time source everything on the timeline. Without a soundtrack, this won't work.
added on the 2012-05-02 04:05:19 by ryg ryg
@ryg & @yumeji ( thanks for help ), to see what i mean :

and not forget, it is not a support question but you (ryg) given here some really good hints. (oplist: linkIn etc. ) thanks
i seen on https://github.com/farbrausch/fr_public would be changed some things on code and maybe it´s the best way to show u what i mean directly.

added on the 2012-05-03 01:29:58 by quickyman quickyman
got some code differences output by diff vs versions, so... what's your environment to compile the code? maybe your setup's not correct. this' could cause trouble.

else i just added explode and material 2.0 and compiled a fine intro. the cause that explode actually doesn't work intro mode is mosdef cause the small introplayer's stackwalker doesn't rerun over mesh ops or doesn't time them as they're intended to be static past the generation of the content. and explode is a kinda animated/time based mesh generator.
added on the 2012-05-03 10:42:18 by yumeji yumeji
so where are all non-fr wz4 demos?!?!? get a move on!
added on the 2012-05-03 11:40:20 by el mal el mal
Maali, go make a demo about it (using wz4)!
added on the 2012-05-03 11:55:07 by trc_wm trc_wm


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