Garfield vs. scene
category: residue [glöplog]
src: lol :)
zomg the 3 cats are just perfect matching, from left to right :D

Is she using a tabletpc? :)

src, you made me watch all those BAD THINGS. ASSHOLE :P
Not enuff FLT references lately

rofl optimus, get a life
just to make a point.
Gargaj, can you tell me what the point was please ?
evil: garfield = cat. sceners = people. :)
Gargaj: Pfft!
Here's our new coder:

Here's our new coder:

Here's our musician:

And here's your new driver

plz back to Garfield comic strips N0WZ!!1!

plz back to Garfield comic strips N0WZ!!1!

guess i should contribute aswell..

yeah, what have you done to my hair, FUCKER?
so KB, if you need some ideas for your next release of teh softsynth:

Influence Device, sorry but the average musician looks like this:

haha kb i have a ggod one for you, didnt even have to modify it :D