Random Apple Bashing thread
category: residue [glöplog]
you call that bashing?
APPLE ER FUCKING RETARDS - there you go ;)
Agreed on the approvals process. Although it's actually improved massively.. if you're complaining now you're damned lucky not to have had issues a year back ;)
The one time I had an app rejected, it came back that I was using a private API. Fair enough, I did, so I removed it and resubmitted. And it came back again with a 2nd private API violation. Why the fuck can't they just provide a list of rejection issues instead of doing them one at a time?!
The one time I had an app rejected, it came back that I was using a private API. Fair enough, I did, so I removed it and resubmitted. And it came back again with a 2nd private API violation. Why the fuck can't they just provide a list of rejection issues instead of doing them one at a time?!
psnoice: exactly! (and that's only part of the problem in my case)
why couldn't you not just live up to their regulations instead of wasting their time with stupid validations?!
I did not use any private SPI's however the app still got rejected twice. Not giving a full list of issues to fix is plain out stupid!
Dude, why are you making apps for Apple? They are nazi scum and suck balls, dicks and asses! Make apps for Android man! Then you are guaranteed to make no money!!!
rasmus: it's not always obvious it's a private api. I think in my case it was a pretty standard looking call for a standard non-private object.
The other thing I got rejected for was showing a button backwards. Yes, fair enough, UI elements should only be used in the 'correct' way to keep the UI consistent, I accept that. But all I did was turn a "forwards arrow" button around to make a back button to switch back to the previous screen.. which is about as consistent as you can get ;(
The other thing I got rejected for was showing a button backwards. Yes, fair enough, UI elements should only be used in the 'correct' way to keep the UI consistent, I accept that. But all I did was turn a "forwards arrow" button around to make a back button to switch back to the previous screen.. which is about as consistent as you can get ;(
Yeah, go android! And use google too instead of commercial rival search engines! Just remember to click on their adverts now and then to show you support free and open source :)
okkie: go tell kvark that ;)
I will now quote M.I.A's "The Message" (from her fantastic new album /\/\/\Y/\
Headbone connects to the headphones
Headphones connect to the iPhone
iPhone connected to the internet
Connected to the Google
Connected to the government
Then crapple starts tracking you...
Not giving a full list of issues to fix is plain out stupid!
sounds like they adhere to the MPAA-standard :)
Then you are guaranteed to make no money!!!
well in that case...

it's pretty standard that certification tests stop on first error to reduce "waste of time per run".
i think microsoft have partner companies that will execute pre-certification tests on your application (ie pay them to execute the whole test and write down each error instead of halting at first error).
i think microsoft have partner companies that will execute pre-certification tests on your application (ie pay them to execute the whole test and write down each error instead of halting at first error).

http://www.pcworld.com/article/199528/Multitasking_With_iOS_4_is_Horrible_Apple_Blew_It.html .. and if you see a wacom used with a stylys, they also blew it.
Hmm.. bit of a poor article that. He's kind of missed the point a bit.
Why do you need to worry about closing apps that are running in the background? the OS does it for you if it gets low on memory, and they're not consuming any resources otherwise. The "task list" isn't windows' task manager, it's just a list of your recently used apps - they appear in that list whether they're running or not.
And would you really want full multitasking in there too? Considering that all those apps you end up running are using memory + cpu time and therefore wasting battery, and you're not actually using them in most cases. Not to mention what happens when you get the occasional badly written app that keeps the 3G connection live all the time. I'd say apple are actually on the right track by restricting it like this, you end up with a better running phone.
What they could have said is that apple's handled the tasks where they want to enable proper multitasking ok, but the way they've implemented it really fucks up a whole ton of cases that aren't music players or skype calls.
E.g. an IRC client: you can set up a background tasks to keep the connection live and receive messages, and it can notify the user if their name is mentioned or whatever. But the background task gets killed after 10 minutes! Unless you return to the app in that time, you're disconnected because the app is fully frozen.
This applies to ANYTHING other than GPS, VOIP and music playback. You can't even schedule a task to fire up once an hour to update something. :(
Why do you need to worry about closing apps that are running in the background? the OS does it for you if it gets low on memory, and they're not consuming any resources otherwise. The "task list" isn't windows' task manager, it's just a list of your recently used apps - they appear in that list whether they're running or not.
And would you really want full multitasking in there too? Considering that all those apps you end up running are using memory + cpu time and therefore wasting battery, and you're not actually using them in most cases. Not to mention what happens when you get the occasional badly written app that keeps the 3G connection live all the time. I'd say apple are actually on the right track by restricting it like this, you end up with a better running phone.
What they could have said is that apple's handled the tasks where they want to enable proper multitasking ok, but the way they've implemented it really fucks up a whole ton of cases that aren't music players or skype calls.
E.g. an IRC client: you can set up a background tasks to keep the connection live and receive messages, and it can notify the user if their name is mentioned or whatever. But the background task gets killed after 10 minutes! Unless you return to the app in that time, you're disconnected because the app is fully frozen.
This applies to ANYTHING other than GPS, VOIP and music playback. You can't even schedule a task to fire up once an hour to update something. :(
Thing is, nobody cares about multitasking - everybody loves it anyway.
I can multitask with my shitty Sony Ericsson K850i.
It can play music, take a picture of an iphone and send it via MMS at the same time. It wins...jjeeey!
It can play music, take a picture of an iphone and send it via MMS at the same time. It wins...jjeeey!
Nah, multitasking has some good uses. It's not anywhere near as important as on a desktop, but e.g. i can't listen to last.fm while browsing the internets without it. And if I go walking in the mountains, I have a GPS app that records my route for me.. it's cool to leave the app to take some photos and send an email without closing the app and losing part of the route. Those kind of things are the most important, and they've covered them pretty well.