286/386/486 Demoscene
category: general [glöplog]
Err, no. :) High-end would be a P200MMX (with 32 MByte RAM); this way you can watch all the MMX-only late-DOS demos and intros
mmm, to be honest p200mmx is a bit slow for dos\mmx-only stuff, something like p2-350 will suit better but it also suffers from pascal crt bug. so win32 versions to the rescue! :)
about dos\486 compo - agreed, that will be a nice challenge I guess! ;)
by the way, yet another dos demo in progress :)
by the way, yet another dos demo in progress :)
wbc\\bz7: by the way, yet another dos demo in progress :)
Yeah, DOS rulz ... Do you target oldschool machines, too, or make demos for dos but running on modern hardware ?
Just make more DOS-demos, that will determine any possible platform for any possible future DOS-compos
Do you target oldschool machines, too, or make demos for dos but running on modern hardware ?
ahem...vbe20+mmx (so something like p233mmx or even p2), and yes, that's the reason (hi dosbox!) why I also doing win32 version (in fact it already can be built by just using diffirent target in makefile ;)
This thread needs more 8088.
didnt you do something for the 8088, scali? can you tell us more about that?!?!?!??!?!
Isn't obtaining a 286 also kind of a bitch? Myself I've seen only one in the wild once (sometime around 1991). But maybe I'm wrong here.
On my 286/12,5/VGA some dos-demos are working ok, but there are a lot more intros/cracktros that are working fine. Some with adlib and mostly static scenes or vga-effects that do not require a lot cpu power are working good and not to forget "Crystal Dreams works even with 286/10/VGA/SB!"...sorry for that "insider"... :)
probably offtopic, but I just found out: hitting "run" in turbo pascal 7 within dosbox crashes dosbos.
Long live Amstrad Alt 286

This thread needs more 8088.
This thread needs more 8088.
why not? :D (not now however =))
For a longer time there were no real oldshool releases with a target on old machines or old os, like DOS:XT-MDA/CGA, AT-EGA, 386/486 VGA and WIN95/DX6: PI/II SVGA/3DFX.
I really like stuff like that, but they are hard to find:
and here fantastic on voodoo1, looks like fully antialised and performance is stunning!
I really like stuff like that, but they are hard to find:
and here fantastic on voodoo1, looks like fully antialised and performance is stunning!
probably offtopic, but I just found out: hitting "run" in turbo pascal 7 within dosbox crashes dosbos.
Not over here. Maybe it's the program you wrote that is crashing dosbox.
nope, it doesn't crashes, dosbox just treats ctrl+f9 combo (which is used in Turbo Pascal as "run" command) as "close emulator" :)
(afaik it can be remapped, press ctrl+f1 and remap to other combo)
Your original text implied it was somehow TP's fault. Yes, I use a custom keymap config when I program in dosbox.
Oh wow, can't believe I only just found this thread..
I'm in for DOS demos... been releasing for the last three Syntax parties. However they've all been quick party-coded entries.
Need to spend some time actually writing some proper code. Would love to do something 16bit, just need to dig up some old hardware.
I'm in for DOS demos... been releasing for the last three Syntax parties. However they've all been quick party-coded entries.
Need to spend some time actually writing some proper code. Would love to do something 16bit, just need to dig up some old hardware.
https://youtu.be/re40EEKHAqU?t=4m41s EGA/XT what is that demo/intro? can ot be found here?
Possibly Nyan Cat for the IBM PC. Or any of the other countless prods you find when searching for "nyan".
that's cool. thx!
256bump :)
finally a first release after more than 20 years absence from the scene ;-) .. it's targeting the 286er, since I have no real 286 I tried it with PCem Ami286 Clone 16 Mhz .. speed is quite okay ..
Thank you for targetting oldshool pc's :)