Show what you do in Photoshop
category: gfx [glöplog]
Very nice, quisten.. I like the hand painted look a lot!
Do you mind uploading a larger version to use as a desktop backdrop?
Do you mind uploading a larger version to use as a desktop backdrop?
sure :D
I posted the whole thing, so you can crop it the way you like :)

I posted the whole thing, so you can crop it the way you like :)

3rd place @party 2010 freestyle gfx compo
oh yeah, progress-shots youtube
Sigflup, \o/ I like your depiction of the high contrast lighting and the moodiness of it. Especially the highlight that looks like it's blooming.
Thanks ic! oh, that's because it is blooming :)

It's not actually photoshop, but it's a shopped photo.
and it's pointless
but.. after all that shopping... did you bang her?
Maybe ;)

Nothing exceptional, just a practice session after a 12 month break from digital painting...
Wow Wade, kick ass as usual :)
Fuck yeah wade!
btw> the hair, the eyebrows and whatnot- fucking awesome
Thanks guys! I appreciate the feedback. :) Hopefully I will do some more original and advanced videos soon.
wade, that ruled.
Wade: Really nice texturing. The shape of the head is kind of messed up, though... and it all looked much better before you added that over-the-top background... ;)
Awesome stuff wade. The shape of the head.. it looks better in the real picture rather than the lowres youtube video somehow. On youtube it looks definitely wrong somehow, on the pic it just looks like an unusual face (which I guess is how she looks.. friend of yours?)

Thanks for the feedback and constructive criticism. The perspective and shape of her head did play games with my eyes a bit.
She's a Victoria's Secret model and the new actress for Transformers 3. I'm sure there will be a lot of searches for her in the coming months so ideal for getting a few extra channel views. :)
It was just a straight copy and I didn't take many creative liberties with this one. Here's the original pic...

She's a Victoria's Secret model and the new actress for Transformers 3. I'm sure there will be a lot of searches for her in the coming months so ideal for getting a few extra channel views. :)
It was just a straight copy and I didn't take many creative liberties with this one. Here's the original pic...

"No scans or photographic materials were used in the making of these pictures."
Quoted from Wades website. ;)
Quoted from Wades website. ;)