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NVScene 2008!

category: general [glöplog]
out of topic but yes :)
added on the 2008-05-21 10:33:07 by Zest Zest
For Europeans in the long run I don't think NVScene can become significant.

not directly, no, but the indirect cultural impact of the scene being more popular in the US will be considerable.
added on the 2008-05-21 10:36:27 by Gargaj Gargaj

we'll try to deliver something that we plan for nvision. Unfortunately there is another party before that that we would like to be present at, which needs a good demo too (which I'm writting at the moment) ...

Btw as far as prizes and boxes are concerned: we got a fair amount of prizes over the years but nothing compares to the cups and scene.org awards statues. All the hardware prizes have been used or liquidated to pay for travelling and nappies and whatnot- but the cups... well they are eternal. They are also a great ice-breaker into the world of demoscene when people come to your home and see them.

So my advice is: nvision should invest on a couple of nice looking cups for the best of the show, not just on here-today-gone-tomorrow hardware and $$$. Maybe if you give cups for places 1-8 we might, just might, get one too ! :-) (in other words brace your selves for eye cancer)

added on the 2008-05-21 10:54:40 by Navis Navis
Let's hope this can stir up a noticeable increase in US demoteams. Perhaps we'll have a US vs. EU democompo once? ;)
ah yes and another thing: what sort of people will be there to vote ? do we know their background ?
added on the 2008-05-21 10:55:52 by Navis Navis
nvision should invest on a couple of nice looking cups for the best of the show

we're working on that :)
added on the 2008-05-21 10:56:27 by Gargaj Gargaj
abyss: dont worry, im sure assembly will still have some entries..... :) as you said, there's no substitute to sitting with your friends watching your demo and the crowd's reaction. (although it helps to be able to watch it with beer, *cough* :) )

irokos: this whole "oh it's all so 1337, it's so unfair" attitude stinks. it really irritates me.
the scene is fair. you make something good, and maybe along the way you earn some of the benefits that come with it - like compo prizes, or a ticket to enter something like the intel compo. yes, i said earn.
"1337ness" isnt an exclusive club where you need to know the right handshake and pay the membership fee to get in. everyone has the chance if they make something good. whats stopping those who aren't in it is time, effort, skill, experience and talent, not money and hardware.
whats the flip side? "i deserve a demobox more because ive done nothing good whatsoever!"? "the prizes in the compo should be for the shittest demo!"? no. it's like me showing up at real madrid and demanding to be put in the first team immediately, and when they say no going "its not fair! football is so elitist! if they put me in the first team im sure i'd get a lot better as a player!".

im pretty sure that what nvidia want out of nvision is to get great compo entries. and lets put it bluntly: they didn't decide to do nvscene because they watched some osdm productions - they did it because of the really top end productions, made by those "1337groups" you mentioned. they really want to see the next lifeforce in their compo. in other words - those "1337 groups" and their productions have helped earn the demoboxes that everybody is getting.
those top groups dont just bring a certain guaranteed quality level, they bring a greater likelihood of delivering something at all - they're tried and tested. frankly, if they gave the boxes to groups who arent very good they'd have a pretty real chance of a) no entries and b) shit entries. i think that'd put them off doing it again.

as an aside: i didn't apply for a demobox because i knew that i wouldnt have the time needed to do my best and make something really good - i'd end up knocking something off in a week, and the compo (and demobox) deserves better - even if that demo made in a week might not be the worst in the compo. so i just avoided it entirely.
that allows me to take a slightly smug and removed standpoint about this whole thing. ;)

ah yes and another thing: what sort of people will be there to vote ? do we know their background ?

planning to focus test the demo before you release it, eh? :)
added on the 2008-05-21 11:09:45 by smash smash
i'd end up knocking something off in a week, and the compo (and demobox) deserves better

all this topic does is reminding me that I actually *have* to get started now :)
added on the 2008-05-21 11:14:13 by superplek superplek
keops, smash: word

apart from that i'm curious if we will see at least 80 prods from the groups (1337 or not) who got demoboxes and therefore fulfil their moral obligation.
i dont think so, but i think nvidia is quite aware of that which is proven by the fact that they didnt mention anywhere that you only get a demobox when you actually do something (or have to return it otherwise).

but if only a handful of cool releases will be presented at that party i guess its a success. after all its a brand new party

and btw. i wonder how many people would have applied for the demobox if there had been a clause that you have to return the stuff if you dont get anything done for the party :)
added on the 2008-05-21 11:28:36 by gopher gopher
Well as long as the list of people who got demoboxes gets released we can tar and feather the people who don't release anything.
I didn't get a demobox...still making a demo though :) Just won't get to experiment with DX10 this time around. See you there!
added on the 2008-05-21 11:56:23 by rawhed rawhed
always focus -test demos before releasing. know your audience. A demo for assmebly is not a demo for i.e. "Nosfe and friends invite you to eye cancer party 2008" and vice-versa.
added on the 2008-05-21 11:56:35 by Navis Navis
hey we got 111 thumbs up for the asd-fairlight prod already. Thats more than second reality and crystal dreams combined, who would have thought eh..

can we exchange them now for cash or an nvidia demobox ?

added on the 2008-05-21 11:58:17 by Navis Navis
that was smart :D
added on the 2008-05-21 12:19:27 by EviL EviL
In the long run this is going to be supercool if it helps the US scene grow. For Europeans in the long run I don't think NVScene can become significant. There is just no substitute to really going to party, meeting friends and seeing your entry on the screen.

I agree wholeheartedly. This is not ment to be "teh new shit for europeans", but to kickstart the US demoscene. As you say, going to a party is instrumental for the scene to grow. What we are trying to do here is to give the US "their Assembly/Breakpoint" so to speak, which in turn will spawn more local parties and there we are. We all know that the best way to inspire someone is to show them something ÜBERCOOL and have them going "Wow.. I WANT TO MAKE THAT!" -- we're hoping the good ol' US vs Europe sentiments come back in play. Go on US - show us what you got.

in other words - those "1337 groups" and their productions have helped earn the demoboxes that everybody is getting.

Very blunt, but very true. If there weren't any good demos in the scene, NVIDIA would probably care less about supporting it. They are after all in the "realtime graphics business" and are always looking for great visual content.

apart from that i'm curious if we will see at least 80 prods from the groups (1337 or not) who got demoboxes and therefore fulfil their moral obligation.

It's a game of percentages. Of course we are not expecting that all of those groups manage to deliver, but we do expect many of them to, especially since it's over two months until the party.
added on the 2008-05-21 12:31:37 by gloom gloom
but are there really 80 PC groups in existence right now ?
added on the 2008-05-21 12:36:18 by Navis Navis
Navis : I think another side effect of the demoboxes is that groups who don't normally do stuff on PC are giving it a go. I might be wrong but I think Lord Graga mentioned he'd recieved one while he usually develops on GBA?
you are not wrong
added on the 2008-05-21 12:48:59 by EviL EviL
ah yes and another thing: what sort of people will be there to vote ? do we know their background ?

Booooh, attention whore - you know, some people actually make demos that are not crowdpleasers. ;)

No, I'm not one of those people - I'm simply a musician, so my meaning doesn't count when it comes to designing demos, hehe...
would be interesting to see the list of groups which did get a demobox.
added on the 2008-05-21 13:01:12 by nosfe nosfe
I might be wrong but I think Lord Graga mentioned he'd recieved one while he usually develops on GBA?
you are not wrong
I've got some contacts that I can draw some 4k knowledge from, so I'm gonna attempt to create something decent with that. And I have summer holidays in a flash, so loads of time :)
Didn't all groups present at BP receive a demobox there, more or less regardless of their intentions of participating or not?
Lord Graga: Cool! I look forward to it.

Btw my post was meant to be positive so you can exchange "side effect" with "nice side effect".
It should be pretty easy to please Americans. Just throw in a few bald eagles, baseballs, applepies, trucks and a reference to Dale Earnheart. Am I rite? :)

I still have my doubts with this whole en devour. How awesome and helpful NVidia may seem, they are still a big company and have to have some other motivations next to 'we really like the scene and want to help, yay!'.

But I will wait until after the party and see what happens, it's an interesting ride so far.
added on the 2008-05-21 13:19:48 by okkie okkie
Didn't all groups present at BP receive a demobox there, more or less regardless of their intentions of participating or not?

First off; that was a horrible sentence. :) You make it sound like "all groups at BP got a demo box kit", which is sooo not what happened.

The people/groups who got their boxes at BP had either signed up in advance and told us they were going to BP (so that we could just hand over the hardware there instead of shipping it - practical!) or signed up at the party when they heard about the offer.

While there might not be any contractual obligation to submit a demo to the party, the intention of the boxes was to inspire more/better demos, so we certainly expect people who got a box to do their best to make either a demo or a 4k intro.
added on the 2008-05-21 13:20:47 by gloom gloom


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