Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
wow! this looks cool :)
btw. are there any ports of razor productions available for PPC MorphOS.
btw. are there any ports of razor productions available for PPC MorphOS.
Branch: ooh nice VHS post
rez, this is so so cool. :D
I guess this is kind of an update

(Prototypes working with just very minor issues encountered)

(Prototypes working with just very minor issues encountered)
Ahh those GUSclones are beautiful!!!

Figured morphing flat shaded triangles with glowy lines would make a nice background for my website(double click logo to go fullscreen background only)

I'm waiting on some chips via ebay
Learning path tracing...

Turns out path tracing is huge fun :) But harder than raymarching. Making more interesting geometry is tough. Le shadertoys:

Turns out path tracing is huge fun :) But harder than raymarching. Making more interesting geometry is tough. Le shadertoys:
nice background! I wonder if it could be turned into one of those fancy, battery draining android live wallpapers?
nice background! I wonder if it could be turned into one of those fancy, battery draining android live wallpapers?
Huh, seems those images are broken. Try again.

@wysiwtf it sure could, I'll give it a shot when I find the time
@visy nice font!
@psonice looks beautiful, I don't dare to click that shadertoy links though ;)
@visy nice font!
@psonice looks beautiful, I don't dare to click that shadertoy links though ;)
and a little fun in renoise. an old melody of mine i´m playing with
psonice: postpone release of these eggs for easter : )
rutra80: i wouldn't release that :) If i make something cool with it, yes, but this is just learning scenes ;)
Shit's getting real (a draft print):

I don't know. Is this any good?
Tomo: yes.
Bunny is serious.

Marq: very nice!
Visy: very nice logo, text would like a bit of kerning =) cool visuals
visy: nice