Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
now you are laughing, but soon you will cry!!!
Better laugh before crying
Best Piraro strip EVER!
I see what you did there!
Been surfing deviantart (which I haven't for a very long time) & look, no furries -
Thanks wWales for reminding me.
Thanks wWales for reminding me.
This is from MS Office 2000. It also happens in MS Office 2007...
New Office Suite my assddff...
Dear consumer, in this new, latest and greatest version, we've rearranged the menus and icons yet again! Actually, we've killed all the menus. And there is no cake. Oh, we've also updated the icon set, with new, multicolored, huge-and-tiny-at-the-same-time icons, so that consistency goes out of the window (unintended pun there... ;-)
Have fun installing another 512MB of RAM, so that you can perform the exact same simple tasks you did before.
FWIW, this fscking thing does not happen in OpenOffice.
gkrellm running on my new laptop.
every goddamn time!
prodigy: True, Open Office doesn't crash until you try to change the text-size.
Been there, done that.
I'm proud of you!