TRSAC 2012 - 19th - 21st October - Aarhus, Denmark
category: parties [glöplog]
Were any turtles hurt in the production of that gif?
The honourable BOB has three spots in his car going from Alvesta in Sweden over Varberg-Grenå-Aarhus!
TRSAC will be like
I'm sure TRSAC is gonna be a lot more like this
hvis det gør, så smajrer jeg hele lortet
Last chance to buy a FOOD INCLUDED ticket is the 14th of October, so go and order your tickets at and we'll spare you the umbrællers!
minimum entry effort done :)
everything from now on simply is more BASS
everything from now on simply is more BASS
And selecting who should be on your team for the Quiz, minimum 2 persons, maximum .. 2 persons .. should anyone try to be more than two people, the punishment will be harsh!
Tell us more!
unless they are dutch, the entire nation wouldnt be able to win a quiz!
What kind of food?
breakfasts: rolls with cold cuts, cheese, jam, cereals, milk, juice
dinner: glaced ham with creamy potatoes and mixed green salad
In other words: the same as the last couple of years. People seemingly didn't want to change it ;)
dinner: glaced ham with creamy potatoes and mixed green salad
In other words: the same as the last couple of years. People seemingly didn't want to change it ;)
not to hype it (we make close to nothing on food anyway), but compared to shopping yourself for breakfast + dinner its very good value for money unless you go for blackbread with cheese all weekend :p
Yes, the dutch can be 20 on a team if they want .. but we dont want them in our quiz ever again .. we would preferably have a team of blind midgets than those guys once more!
that's a rather ingenious way of involving your family in a demoscene quiz, mister!
TRSAC is gonna be like

dafty duk: don't worry - Okkie can tell you what Dwarf is talking about ;)
Yeah, from experience, shopping for your own food and trying to get takeaway in Århus N is horrible, so if you can, do go for the food option (I can't but oh well, I have experience now).
taleaway is pretty easy if you use a website for it :p but it still more expensive than the dinner option.
regarding dinner: Du spiser hvad kommer på tallerkenen !
dodge ved det :)
unless it makes you sick! or at least i hope so ;)
Hype wins!