Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]
Missed the Mouse over ...
Do not take Queensland out of the boy! :-)
Do not take Queensland out of the boy! :-)

Excuse me. Holland is next to Germany...
Random, but still...

Nity, or g'day all, depending on the side of the world you live in. :)

Nity, or g'day all, depending on the side of the world you live in. :)

It made me lol so bad. Maybe I'm just sleepy.

They are so stupid. Egocentric whores.
I love how you pull your punches and keep your own counsel cros.

And yet the African continent still has the fastest population growth rate on the planet. Or maybe I wasn't supposed to "think about it" in that way...
I don't agree with the ideals put forward in the clip - throwing money @ a problem never works.
But Ms. McLauchlan has a f*cking beautiful voice (imo) & it was a fairly clever way of spending the money and making a point.

But Ms. McLauchlan has a f*cking beautiful voice (imo) & it was a fairly clever way of spending the money and making a point.

CPC version

My google translate fail.

a fine piece of commercial artwork!

people from my town are inventing stunts liek this.
people from my town are inventing stunts liek this.