Breakpoint 2010 - Like there is no tomorrow
category: parties [glöplog]
brüllwürfel for president!
@lx: about the compo machine graphics card.
worst case scenario: some outdated high-end NVidia DX10 part. DX10 will be allowed, and of course using the DX11 programming interface with the feature level 10.0 will be no problem. but that is all we can guaranty right now.
we are trying to get the best possible hardware so that we can have full HD and a smooth frame-rate. unfortunately, high end graphics cards tend to overload the power supply.... so even if NVidia would send us some super high-end fermis, there might still be a problem... you know, it's pretty hot up there where the beam team works... and i am not talking about KB's chicks, i am talking about mean time between failures measured in days... and we need at least two identical machines running all the time... it's difficult...
worst case scenario: some outdated high-end NVidia DX10 part. DX10 will be allowed, and of course using the DX11 programming interface with the feature level 10.0 will be no problem. but that is all we can guaranty right now.
we are trying to get the best possible hardware so that we can have full HD and a smooth frame-rate. unfortunately, high end graphics cards tend to overload the power supply.... so even if NVidia would send us some super high-end fermis, there might still be a problem... you know, it's pretty hot up there where the beam team works... and i am not talking about KB's chicks, i am talking about mean time between failures measured in days... and we need at least two identical machines running all the time... it's difficult...
just skip pc compos and have only compos for c64 and amiga 500!
chicks... FUCK! I KNEW I forgot to prepare something! Damnit. Need Plan B.
kb_ I hope ddt isn't your plan b coz I heard he doesn't want you.
Ok, plan c then :/
Will brüllwürfel be there again?
of course, this time with more support than ever!
btw: it's brullwurfel, without the dots, on purpose... ;-)
@chaos, ryg, thanks for your response... i have no doubt that bp graphics cards will be much better than mine... just wanted to know how much! ;)
@lx, overabusing more volumetric raymarched clouds or what?
wait, should I use double @ ?
No can do.
@iq, argggh, not even enough space for volumetric stuff here... nothing new, just some brute force plain raymarching in dx9 (bty, wtf i was asking for dx10/dx11?) :p
plane tickets booked. see you all at Bingen on Easter
Waffle: Thursday or Friday?
Well i now got 32 days to finish a imaginary prod i will NEVER finish not even be NEAR to complete.
But thank god i can instead soak my despair, dissapointment and self loathing with cheap German booze. comming.
But thank god i can instead soak my despair, dissapointment and self loathing with cheap German booze. comming.
Damn, I also still have a demo to finish, and then maybe work on some streaming music, and maybe some tracked music... and perhaps a c64 demo too.
i need to persuade myself to code :)
rasmus: bare se på det gamle bildet hvor du fant en bug i koden når webcammet crashet.. du vet at du aldri har lyst til å være så stygg igjen..
haha :)

notice the calendar :)
busticket booked courtesy of WINRYX - who claims to still have bus seats left going from Århus in dk to Bingen :)
I plan on begging my way through the party, so if you have blowjobs or SU for me, please bring plenty.
I plan on begging my way through the party, so if you have blowjobs or SU for me, please bring plenty.
baha macaw, ist that from 1998 or what? :D
dunno about the year, but it's definitly 10-20 kg away :)
I guess the year is 2002 since it's in "noparty02" :) Also, that corresponds nicely with when I lived in Denmark..