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category: general [glöplog]
Are there any actual metrics/polls that shows pouet is "scaring away today's generation of sceners" ?
added on the 2024-09-27 22:00:34 by tomkh tomkh
like you back despite you being an insufferable grump <3

Sorry man, this was meant tongue-in-cheek but it's just an awful choice of words. My apologies. We like you back, period.
added on the 2024-09-27 22:37:08 by dojoe dojoe

Thanks for all the work you did for Pouët since 2007, 17 years captaining the ship, keeping it afloat, and making it better.

Furthermore, thank you for the 3 months’ notice.

Pouët might have died without you. I am truly sorry to hear that it grew on you to a point where you now hate it. Do what’s best for you. I hope you will recover and hopefully, one day, you will be proud of what you did here.

You were instrumental in what Pouët became. You well deserve all those thanks.

🙏 Thank you Gargaj 🙏

I’d also like to emphasize my thanks to 🙏 Psenough 🙏 for maintaining and improving Pouët when it started to go sideways, when it was not well-maintained anymore. He did take care of it for a long time, and especially 3+ years as a maintainer before Gargaj. He did when it was a key moment for Pouët.

Finally, to all the moderators, gloperators, and contributors over the years, that silently fix the data, clean the content, thank you! 🙏

I don’t want to hijack this post, so I’ll create another post to answer some of the points raised in this bulletin.
added on the 2024-09-28 01:20:33 by analogue analogue
I've a lot of respect for the hard work of the infrastructure-maintainers of the scene: the party-organizers, site maintainers, award organizers, diskmag writers (in the past),... It doesn't get the recognition of making productions (how often do they get greets in demos?), but without them, our entire hobby would be more solitary, niche and far less enjoyable.

Gargaj, thank you so much for your hard work over the years on Pouet, Scene.org etc. Even if I'm not a very active user on Pouet, I've enjoyed getting feedback on my productions beyond the party results, I've learned a lot from the BBS (raymarching toolbox thread, size minimizing,...), I could ask for help when I'm stuck on some OpenGL problem... I took it for granted, without knowing how hard it is on the maintainer. I wish you the best, and a lot of joy from whatever you decide to do in the future.

In case Pouet continues in some form, I'm of the same opinion of NinjaKoala and Dojoe. I haven't been as active on Pouet as I could be, because the infighting and negativity is off-putting. I guess there is a survivor bias: banning an active user (especially well-known and productive) is a visible and stressful action, but the silent pulling back of occasional users or scaring away newbies is invisible. So +1 for Dojoes ideas for better moderation tools.
added on the 2024-09-28 08:34:37 by Seven Seven
The lightest disciplinary measure could be a visual dunce cap that would be seen above user's avatar for some time.

Also some kind of stocks or pillory at the front page might be taken into consideration.
who the fuck even are you

what do you contribute
added on the 2024-09-28 12:21:36 by Gargaj Gargaj
Gargaj, thanks a lot for all the work you've done for the demoscene for such a long time. I imagine that must feel ungrateful and stressful quite often so I fully understand you feel it's time to do something else. You'll be missed though!
added on the 2024-09-28 12:32:05 by exocet exocet
Some people here are like:

"No one is stopping me from behaving like an asshole, it's my right!"

As if the world would come to an end if they had to reflect their behavior and try to be a bit more friendly.
Lol, introspection and reflection. Things these people are notoriously great at.
added on the 2024-09-28 14:17:36 by okkie okkie
“these people”
Goddamn these people.
added on the 2024-09-28 14:20:30 by 4gentE 4gentE
The people NinjaKoala implied, don’t pull my words out of context.
added on the 2024-09-28 14:21:48 by okkie okkie
who the fuck even are you

what do you contribute

indeed. who the fuck are you, la_mettrie, and why the fuck do you feel entitled to take so much room in this discussion compared to what you have contributed to the scene? this is really one of the major problems here - loudmouths who think pouet IS the scene and by that automatically assume that being a smartass on this form will get you anywhere.
added on the 2024-09-28 14:35:21 by dipswitch dipswitch
Okay, your presumptions are highly fallacious and judgements based on wrong assessments.

But I will make a strong effort now to restrain my presence on Pouët in a decisive manner.

> Are there any actual metrics/polls that shows pouet is "scaring away today's generation of sceners" ?

This is not measurable because the group of people who got scared away will never return to fill out the polls or anything.

It's quite possible that there is a silent majority of people who don't voice their opinions because they find it a waste of time to interact with trolls and toxic people. They stay away from pouet or don't engage with BBS/comments anymore.

You cannot have a functional community without rules and moderation. You need moderation tools to keep track of infringements, bots, trolls, scammers. And its not something that 1 person can do alone, maybe that person is on a holiday or just not doing well mentally for the time being. You need a team.

TLDR: +1 to dojoe
added on the 2024-09-28 15:18:19 by musk musk
I don't know what la metttrie did wrong.
The suggestions were all totally okay and so was the choice of words.

I'll wait for Analogue's thread...this thread starts to get exhausting.

To those who regularly respond with “what kind of scene did you actually do?” come:

What kind of answer is actually expected here?
Does the number of releases influence the sovereignty of interpretation?
The number of parties organized?
The number of parties attended?
The number of names you can drop?

Really people. You are better than that...

To those who think pouet is toxic: This is a cuddly pile against the League of Legends community ;-)

And now hate me, i can handle that.
(And I´ve done a lot...;-)
added on the 2024-09-28 18:07:27 by _docd _docd
To those who regularly respond with “what kind of scene did you actually do?” come:

Repaires: What did you actually do for the scene?
added on the 2024-09-28 18:08:40 by _docd _docd
who the fuck even are you

what do you contribute

indeed. who the fuck are you, la_mettrie, and why the fuck do you feel entitled to take so much room in this discussion compared to what you have contributed to the scene? this is really one of the major problems here - loudmouths who think pouet IS the scene and by that automatically assume that being a smartass on this form will get you anywhere.

Seriously? That was the dumbest answer to quite normal comment with a groupie’s follow-up to pump it up.

That is also a reason why there is equal number of people who think Gargaj and his groupies are just smartass-clan of mindless followers, nothing else.
added on the 2024-09-28 18:21:51 by hollowone hollowone
Thread should be closed. Everything is said imho.
added on the 2024-09-28 18:34:05 by _docd _docd
Hummm, kinda true.
added on the 2024-09-28 18:56:03 by sim sim
Docd: the scene has always historically been a meritocracy, and while inclusivity efforts are needed to facilitate fair and non-discriminatory entry points into it, they do not change its meritocratic nature, and neither should they. To put it more clearly: the less you contribute (both in qualitative and quantitative terms), the less weight your voice has when it comes to a discussion of infrastructure that one benefits from, but had not contributed to. In this case: smart-ass and pseudo-ironic commentaries from the person in question with a track record that stands in no relation to his frantic forum activity is uncalled for, to say the least.

Hollowone: calling me Gargaj's groupie is quite bewildering, and I do expect an apology. At the same time, this is a good illustration of the empty-minded discussion culture that pouer.net has become known for.

In any case, since I am far from wishing to contribute to even more derailment of this thread, I fully agree with the most recent posts before mine: everything has been said, really. No point in further posts unless we know more about the future of this site.
added on the 2024-09-28 20:20:10 by dipswitch dipswitch

Hollowone: calling me Gargaj's groupie is quite bewildering, and I do expect an apology. At the same time, this is a good illustration of the empty-minded discussion culture that pouer.net has become known for.

All I meant Dipswitch is that guy did not write anything to be called out with "fucks" in between the words in the first place. Neither by Gargaj nor following up by you. Unless I've missed something that could value up the power of his "insults" toward ya in the first place.
If I've missed something I should better understand, I'm happy to apologize up-front, but first point me more precisely where that power is, please.

Otherwise this was just an example of groupie behavior.

I'm not saying you are the groupie but many sceners, yes, are just blindly following Gargaj's opinions. But with all respect to many Gargaj's creations and opinions, he's not always right.. he also has his moments of frustration and arrogance and misusing the language like all of us in this stubborn, over-assertive, over-confident, sometimes selfish community we all represent :)

Thus I strongly believe that with all these "fuck you all" "I quit", yada yada... is just seeking for attention to a problem that is less personal, more universal and we haven't solved it for 40 years already and across generations of sceners... so why should we bother that much..

I promise not to contribute to this thread anymore though as I see I may be too provocative unintentionally.
added on the 2024-09-28 22:05:16 by hollowone hollowone
@Hollowone : This was one of the examples that Gargaj mentioned at the beginning of this very thread : https://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=12653&page=1#c588597

This kind of post in reply to an obituary is imho completely uncalled-for, pouet-wise or not.
added on the 2024-09-29 05:13:23 by fra fra
Oh, I thought about reply in this thread about pouet improvements. That one in RIP thread was rude indeed. Now I’ve connected the dots. Apologies Dipswitch, Gargaj.
added on the 2024-09-29 08:22:54 by hollowone hollowone
So long and thanks for all the fish, Gargaj!
added on the 2024-09-29 11:49:02 by jazzcat jazzcat
Life, the Universe and Everything, Gargaj!
added on the 2024-09-29 13:42:12 by RufUsul RufUsul


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