pouet 2.0 bugs me beautifull
category: general [glöplog]
Ok guys, report them pouet2 bugs in here and we'll look into fixing them later.
- missing CSDB link on prod.php
missing "login for 1 year" option
toplist.php seems missing
The defaults for residue threads changed. They used to not show up on the homepage when you weren't logged in. This isn't really a bug, but perhaps it possibly violates the purpose of residue: keeping them out of sight for those who want who have accounts, and for those who don't.
Also, wouldn't it be easier to triage these if we filed them on github with the project?
Also, wouldn't it be easier to triage these if we filed them on github with the project?
Also missing random.php and that groupie/hater thingy from groups.php
yeah, logs me out after some time (1 hour?)
by zoom:
missing "login for 1 year" option
by leGend:
yeah, logs me out after some time (1 hour?)
Same "bug".
broken like in 0.9: party results / nfos with ansi vs unicode. probably not trivial to fix, maybe with some encoding detection heuristics?
Perfect time to remove dead things from "we like..." on the right side box.
Not a bug per se, but this...
..perhaps it's time to allow for larger files -- both in pixels and in filesize.
the width of the screenshot must not be greater than 400 pixels
the size of the screenshot must not be greater than 64Kb
..perhaps it's time to allow for larger files -- both in pixels and in filesize.
;pdate format
gloom: the limit is arbitrary, its a technique called size-screenshotting. ;)
also i hope this utf8 playground settles down soon enough, the vertical stuff is really ugly.
and while im at it: how about (optional) timestamps on the oneliner?
im not bitching, btw! great job <3
also i hope this utf8 playground settles down soon enough, the vertical stuff is really ugly.
and while im at it: how about (optional) timestamps on the oneliner?
im not bitching, btw! great job <3

.htaccess redirect for http://(www\.)?pouet.net/screenshots/(.*) to http://content... ect. ;)
- The favicon is missing
- Unicode code points >=U+10000 result in truncated strings in the db
- Perhaps try something with the css clip attribute when people don't stop abusing unicode after a week
- All parties (at least the recent ones :) show "added on the 0000-00-00 00:00:00 by analogue" instead of the real adder
- Allow bigger screenshot sizes. Perhaps with a maximum size as first step, and some JS to show the full size screenshot as second
Allow bigger screenshot sizes. Perhaps with a maximum size as first step, and some JS to show the full size screenshot as second
Come on, that counts as a new feature, not a bug :)
Yeah, but step 1 isn't more complicated than a bugfix. Increase screenshot limit to 2MB/2560x1600, add a max-size attribute to the css and pray. :)
pouet v2 feature request me beautifull thread ftw! xD
http://pouet.net/toplist.php?days=30 do you get Not Found
toplist.php missing???
toplist.php missing???
heres the damn link http://pouet.net/toplist.php
bbs front page layout glitches. it's too wide. head font got big. those date - times are... >_<. and wasn't there a thread title shortener with "..."?
and those unicode glitches. why is this new, introduced and glitchy? i always used utf-8 and most foreign languages show up without special things.
else... visual as usual. good.
and those unicode glitches. why is this new, introduced and glitchy? i always used utf-8 and most foreign languages show up without special things.
else... visual as usual. good.
Not a bug and I didn't want to start a new thread - what's the green dot net to my name mean. Only a few of us have them.
It means we're 1337 doesn't it? You can tell me.
It means we're 1337 doesn't it? You can tell me.
Just tried to restyle the front page using CSS (nothing serious, I wouldn't be able to produce anything not ugly as fuck anyway), and the style sheet could use some cleanup. Why is there two boxtable classes? Why are there multiple styles for table headers with and without icon (instead of using class and id)?, etc.
by ringofyre:
what's the green dot net to my name mean. Only a few of us have them.
It means that user is currently logged in. Without the "login for a year" option, it coincides with activity since login is now only good for ~1hour, but it would be nice to know if were longer login times allowed if it was based on whether they were actively browsing the site in the last, say, 15 minutes.
Also, awesome bb-code checker. I got a dialog telling me before posting my bb-code was bad, did I want to post anyway. Of course not! Clicked cancel and fixed.