What is The BEST demo features for you?
category: offtopic [glöplog]
If everything was possible, what would be for YOU, the features you would like to see in what would you consider the BEST demo?
1/ State what is your area of expertise (a coder want something from a demo, a musician something else, a designer something even different, a graphist artist another different thing, a 3D artist ..., ...).
2/ Quote examples from other areas where you've spot what you dream to see in realtime (architecture, music album, painters, advertising, books, ...). Quote your favorite artists artwork, technology, ...
3/ Be precise and your dream will come true as we will work hard at it. Quote links with documentation for coders, musicians, 3D artists, ...
If everything was possible, what would be for YOU, the features you would like to see in what would you consider the BEST demo?
1/ State what is your area of expertise (a coder want something from a demo, a musician something else, a designer something even different, a graphist artist another different thing, a 3D artist ..., ...).
2/ Quote examples from other areas where you've spot what you dream to see in realtime (architecture, music album, painters, advertising, books, ...). Quote your favorite artists artwork, technology, ...
3/ Be precise and your dream will come true as we will work hard at it. Quote links with documentation for coders, musicians, 3D artists, ...
Be precise and your dream will come true as we will work hard at it.
Don't be shy, guys. Seems legit.
I haven't the slightest clue...
What I feel is important is an integrated disk defragmentation process that, while I watch, ensures my hard drives have a good time as well.
Must run on Atari Falcon030
Atmosphere, nature, water, botany, realistic scenes. Almost no abstract art.
The one that you could never expect nor imagine to be done :)
Sync! The baddest shit looks good with proper sync.
And of course ... CUBES! <3 Make a demo with cubes that surprises anyone ...
Arthropods and/or robots.
Phantastic scenes with nature. Not just a tree or something. More like
And some chillout track.
On the other hand cubes made of chrome reflecting weirdest shit to the bass might work for me too :D
And some chillout track.
On the other hand cubes made of chrome reflecting weirdest shit to the bass might work for me too :D
Playful presentation with tons of confidence. Sweet animated transitions between scenes. Panache.
breakdancing robots.
escape button!
Reset and format button!
1/ State what is your area of expertise (a coder want something from a demo, a musician something else, a designer something even different, a graphist artist another different thing, a 3D artist ..., ...).
2/ Quote examples from other areas where you've spot what you dream to see in realtime (architecture, music album, painters, advertising, books, ...). Quote your favorite artists artwork, technology, ...
3/ Be precise and your dream will come true as we will work hard at it. Quote links with documentation for coders, musicians, 3D artists, ...
PBRT - one of the best things one can read on raytracing imho.
In addition to that - all damn scene coders should read all those damn papers on new techniques. We are almost all years behind - change that - NOW and come up with new & better stuff.
I just want coderporn. I'm not a fan of slow-paced quasi-poetic demos. Just give me a banging soundtrack, nice effects and maybe some graphics here and there.
more ribbons
too be more serious. best demo features is the demos that actually has a certain atmosphere.
Sync. By far. It's most important. It's the reason mfx rule and this doesn't suck completely (and why the rip does).
If everything was possible,
who says it isn't?
If everything was possible,
i would ask for a second penis.
It's well documented what sceners really want from a great demo. Just look at what any group produces once they get some serious tools built and have the power to make anything they can imagine: a dirty, rundown factory. So give us one of those please - ideally it should be a cube-making factory btw.