iPad as a scene platorm
category: general [glöplog]
It would be nice to have some demo ports or some tracker.
What do you think?
What do you think?

Knowing the politics of Apple, something like that won't be possible in next five years or so.
The scene in unison needs to speak up
so that the Windows Phone 7 platform
is as open to demos as PocketPC or Palm
so that the Windows Phone 7 platform
is as open to demos as PocketPC or Palm
Well, the iPhone is open as a hookers vagina, so i guess the iPad will be.
So you're saying we should pay for iPad demo development and that we'll get fucked whatever?
no, we need to jailbreak apple products and lose repair warranty just to see some apple fanboy do a rotating cube on overexpensive hardware!
Maali: U don`t lose repair warranty aslong as u take a backup before jailbraking and restore the original system. It`s just Apple that wants to scare their customers from jailbraking.
I already use it to watch demos on youtube and capped.tv
yes that works in theory _IF_ you're still able to restore the original system in the first place... if your iphone catches fire or you drop it in the toilet or whatever, you're still having a jailbroken OS on it and tough luck putting the backup back ;)
mokmok, just code a demo on your ipad and enjoy your new demo platform!
There's no need to repair a apple product. If it breaks you throw it away or get replacement or just buy the next generation anyway cause they announced something better.
Should it catch fire?
Should it be dropped in the toilet?
NO :)
Should it be dropped in the toilet?
NO :)
Screw apple..
Android is open
Android is open

someone should write an UAE port for the iPad, then we could watch friday at eight.
how many sceners owns a phone?
[ ] Android
[ ] iPhone
[ ] Nokia
[ ] Blackberry
[ ] Palm
[ ] Android
[ ] iPhone
[ ] Nokia
[ ] Blackberry
[ ] Palm
I think you left out a few, like Samsung, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, LG, Prada, etc. etc. :o)
Maali: if the phone is broken, they have NO WAY to check if the firmware is legit... and physical damages aren't even covered anyway
Samsung + Motorola + Sony + LG.. aren't these all Androids these days?
I forgot one more voting option though
[ ] Windows CE 5.0 or earlier
I forgot one more voting option though
[ ] Windows CE 5.0 or earlier
puryx: disgust!
i got an old Nokia :p

Screw apple..
Android is open ... and its sdk is free and available on win/linux/mac.
... and android included "sanangeles" as an exemple in their official C++ SDK to demonstrate OpenGLES !
Android is open ... and its sdk is free and available on win/linux/mac.
... and android included "sanangeles" as an exemple in their official C++ SDK to demonstrate OpenGLES !