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planning a multi-demoparty / science fiction convention Europe trip for 2011

category: general [glöplog]
Are there any other convention-attending science fiction fans out there in Europe who have suggestions for me vis-a-vis a mega-Europe demoscene-science fiction trip? I have friends in Finland who I met in 2008 when I and Dr Claw went to Finncon, the Finnish national science fiction convention. I promised them I'd come back in 2011. We also know some Euro-sceners we miss. /waves at Gargaj

I both want to see folks we already know (either from meeting them in person or online) and meet more, in both the demoscene and science fiction fandom, on this trip.

So I'm looking (mostly at the summer) trying to see what time of year would be the most fruitful. One of my sources (heh) suggested that we pair up Buenzli and Evoke, which has the downside of nixing Finncon attendance, and doesn't seem to yield any sf cons . . . although it is a very appealing notion.

To my dismay, it appears that 2008's convenient calendaric placement of Finncon and Assembly might have been one of those rare great conjunctions like Aughra talks about in "The Dark Crystal" . . . So I'm looking at various times of year that are far away enough from now that I can finish saving up money, but will yield as many sf cons and demoparties as possible. The only definite thing is that we HAVE to go to Helsinki and Turku. We'd also really like to go to St. Petersburg (if we can get visas, one reason I'm planning this FAR in advance), and if we can get over to France I'd be happy (just where is up in the air atm . . . )

Advice, anyone?
added on the 2010-06-25 23:35:14 by xernobyl xernobyl
if we can get over to France

Demoparties... in france? Mais bien sûr!
knl -- re "if we can get over to France" -- I know about Main and VIP and such, it's mainly a question of money and logistics and timing.
Nezbie should be someplace in france, btw. Not sure where
added on the 2010-06-26 23:32:22 by sigflup sigflup


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