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Hardcore Research!

category: music [glöplog]
i there anyone who can tell if there is a version of this packmenu with music??
added on the 2010-01-16 12:00:40 by marsulpi marsulpi
and while we are at it, from which original tune is the drumloop of this amiga-demo?
added on the 2010-01-16 12:02:21 by marsulpi marsulpi
maybe this?

Quite a cool demo, and one of my early faves on the Amiga... the "Gods" remix soundtrack really rocks, and the vector part at the end, too. Good work!
[rulez] added on the 2001-07-23 by kb_ [kb_]

^^ is the first comment on that demo !
ok, after having rewatched the demo and relistened to the original gods-tune, i guess you meant the breakbeats ! could get hard to find out where thoze came from, haha !

3d-Demo II - Soundtrack
maybe ask the composer himself ?
theres a contact-link here, dunno if its still in use tho !

and yes, i´m a bit bored, but research is always fun !
this breakbeat sounds like prodigy...
added on the 2010-01-16 13:53:19 by .. ..
added on the 2010-01-16 13:54:49 by .. ..
the serious lack of angerfist in this thread is disappointing!
added on the 2010-01-16 14:00:51 by el mal el mal
ok, the drumloop seems to be from a prodigy tune, but i didnt find one where you can sample that without noise/intruments playing over it. i´ll try to contact the composer. maybe he´s still young enough to remember. :)
the first question is for "encyclopedia-sceners" only, i guess. so where they are?
added on the 2010-01-16 14:18:27 by marsulpi marsulpi
if you really just want this drumloop ask tEiS .. i'm pretty sure that he have this one ! You can find tEiS in IRCnet...
added on the 2010-01-16 14:22:56 by .. ..
marsulpi, what daXX says might be true. but generally.. if your looking for something like a beat. think of a beat ;-)

make yourself an african.
added on the 2010-01-16 23:13:12 by gentleman gentleman
also the drumloopp is in the 3dDemo2-soundtrack , as its a Module...Sample 0E !
hardy, i know, but its just 8 bit/mono and noisy like hell. me wants 24/96-quality.
dut-rastlantÃ, i´m a hip-stiff white european, cant make myself an african, need to copy and paste.
added on the 2010-01-17 09:51:30 by marsulpi marsulpi
mad freak also used this loop in his mod named "blow ya nose (now!)"

the loop has hats and tambourines in it. i can't remember exactly
where it is from. but shouldn't be a problem to find it.

maybe lug00ber will see this thread and can help, he's having 1000tb of loops :D
added on the 2010-01-17 20:08:09 by tEiS tEiS
Grab it here

added on the 2010-01-17 20:39:06 by .. ..
ok, found it. i knew i've had it somewhere. i just don't have it clean, dry.

it has been used in Altern8 - Infiltrate 202.. so yes. i had to RIP IT out of the
song, put my mastering knowledge all over it and got you the dry loop here.


if this is it, let me know and i'll email you a fixed copy of it..
added on the 2010-01-17 20:42:30 by tEiS tEiS


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