Random translation party thread
category: general [glöplog]
Just to divert this funny game (that should have it's own category) from the random image thread.
(So), this is fun, and random images distract from the thread, you need a category of its own.
(So), this is fun, and random images distract from the thread, you need a category of its own.
stargazing at the elevated debris entering second reality => In fact, one of the two fragments, the first rise is not
It is doubtful that this phrase will ever reach equilibrium.
It is doubtful that this phrase will ever reach equilibrium.
ah god please make it stop, this is so funny
Will someone find an infinite cycle (i mean with length>2)?
but length = 2...
what happens to all my data when i throw my sucking notebook out of the fucking window? ==> My PC computer, smoky note from the window? Data Hello?
"It is doubtful that this phrase will ever reach equilibrium."
"It is doubtful that this phrase will ever reach equilibrium."
If there is grass on the field play ball.
We are also grateful to play ball on the grass of the field.
We are also grateful to play ball on the grass of the field.
my hovercraft is full of eels -> I completely HOBAKURAFUTOUNAGI
you are disgusting and disgusting or tired -> Sick and tired of being tired
we better do something else, this is annoyingly addictive
we better do something else, this is annoyingly addictive