BP liquor swapping thread
category: general [glöplog]
Last BP I had a chance to swap two bottles of some high-powered liquid with a nice Danish guy. He brought me some local specialties of Denmark I hadn't had a chance to taste before. This year I'm finally free from cheap "pay for your pee" airlines and coming by car so I thought it'd be a good idea to revive the topic.
So does anybody want to swap a bottle of booze for another? I can offer some good Polish booze in exchange for foreign stuff. I'd say we swap 0.5 litre bottles, one for one.
This topic is not intended to be competitive with the famous Bonzaj Zubrowka Dealership :-) I'm not willing to sell anything, just swap. In reasonable amounts, of course, like 3-4 bottles in total. Yet, I encourage you to keep this nice tradition up and make such deals with other fellow sceners.
And remember, look for your contact in the main hall but drink it somewhere else, unless you want to be executed by the BP firing squad!
So does anybody want to swap a bottle of booze for another? I can offer some good Polish booze in exchange for foreign stuff. I'd say we swap 0.5 litre bottles, one for one.
This topic is not intended to be competitive with the famous Bonzaj Zubrowka Dealership :-) I'm not willing to sell anything, just swap. In reasonable amounts, of course, like 3-4 bottles in total. Yet, I encourage you to keep this nice tradition up and make such deals with other fellow sceners.
And remember, look for your contact in the main hall but drink it somewhere else, unless you want to be executed by the BP firing squad!
haha i would LOVE some slivovice, but Czech slivovice from somebody's uncle in Moravia
haha, nice Thread !
all me needs is some Salmiakki...and as Germany has nothing special to offer and we´ll be in Germany anyway, my swappings would be some beers, haha....imma going to give you 1.5 times beer-price compared to salmiakkyo-price tho ;)
as beer < salmiakki ;) ( jus hope you come by car and dont have to pay for export ;) )
all me needs is some Salmiakki...and as Germany has nothing special to offer and we´ll be in Germany anyway, my swappings would be some beers, haha....imma going to give you 1.5 times beer-price compared to salmiakkyo-price tho ;)
as beer < salmiakki ;) ( jus hope you come by car and dont have to pay for export ;) )
i'm prepared to swap genuine Pripps Blå folköl 3.5% for any foreign beer!
i'll bring some beer from saarland/germany (bruch or becker pils)
if anybody wants to swap, i'm in.
if anybody wants to swap, i'm in.
I will be bringing some Finnish goods I guess, shroom I can get you some Tyrkisk Peber and Gifu Horna (Both are salmiakki-based). On the other hand I'd be interested in swapping for some good local delicacies (mostly booze :D).
(sorry for the slight thread-hijacking...)

i just bought one of these from my local (german) supermarket, can any finn please inform me how it compares to homemade salmiakki? thanks in advance :-)

i just bought one of these from my local (german) supermarket, can any finn please inform me how it compares to homemade salmiakki? thanks in advance :-)
Jag swappar burkar.
Salmiakki is not a drink! Though, I am not sure if I am entitled to speak about salmiakkikossu as I have tested it a few times only, I can say; that looks like the thing :). So yeah, it is the salmiakkikossu (the legendary salmiakki vodka of Finland). And from my experiences the home-made ones didn't differ extremely in taste exception being the one that is made by Damones guys but I think they also used FisHot). So all in all, that is the salmiakkikossu yes, but I'd suggest you to grab some from Damones' self-made bottle, it tastes plain awesome (you might get a heart attack at first though).
arcane: "Jag är burkswappare" .. You know you've been around much when you don't remember your own statements from 12 years back ;)
Actually, what I'd _really_ like from Poland is a 12-pack or so of the polish beer brand "full". And every norwegian, swede and dane will know why instantly :)
Actually, what I'd _really_ like from Poland is a 12-pack or so of the polish beer brand "full". And every norwegian, swede and dane will know why instantly :)
peskypeter: that's pretty much the same stuff, only a bit sweeter perhaps.
Actually, what I'd _really_ like from Poland is a 12-pack or so of the polish beer brand "full". And every norwegian, swede and dane will know why instantly :)
Because you are so full of it.
leijaa, i know why also!
I swap benzodiazepines agains whatever is needed....
Xerxes: You'll get that Jägermeister from Wolfenbüttel one day but unfortunately I can't come to bp this year :(
leijaa: did you mean zywiec beer? i think 'full' means that it's a lager.

ohnoes, no chromag :(
orgas, get like 50 Liters Beer lesser than planned !
orgas, get like 50 Liters Beer lesser than planned !
Actually, what I'd _really_ like from Poland is a 12-pack or so of the polish beer brand "full".
There is also this:

call those Beerboards Worldwide =)
really too bad Beers GHQ wont be there this time ! why is that btw, Chromag ?
But actually I meant this:

If I get bb code working today :)

If I get bb code working today :)
leijaa: oh yeah, Wrocławski Full, and I live in Wrocław :)
Bonzaj: I place more orders for Zubrowska (: Even tho the Accession big-ass-bus-thing is to prepare us for Summer.
Fei: I will not be SWAPPING my bottles of the Double Bastard, but you are most welcome to have some. I am bringing 2 bottles of it, 1 bottle of Old Guardian, and 1 bottle of some rye lager. Wix, I _so_ seriously owe you more for getting that for me, I had no idea I'd not be able to get the Double Bastard again this year. Which I can't.
However, that's non-Finnish stuff. If you want to trade finnish stuff one-to-one, um, well, may I suggest I pack some proper energy drinks (:
Fei: I will not be SWAPPING my bottles of the Double Bastard, but you are most welcome to have some. I am bringing 2 bottles of it, 1 bottle of Old Guardian, and 1 bottle of some rye lager. Wix, I _so_ seriously owe you more for getting that for me, I had no idea I'd not be able to get the Double Bastard again this year. Which I can't.
However, that's non-Finnish stuff. If you want to trade finnish stuff one-to-one, um, well, may I suggest I pack some proper energy drinks (:
i think its a lovely idea. too bad i go to russia only AFTER bp, else i could bring y'all some nice exclusive vodka...
Truck: Is there even any place to get Double Bastard in Finland? I am searching and searching which yielded no result so far.