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DOOM/Wolfenstein for 8-bit/16-bit comps?

category: offtopic [glöplog]

I was wondering how DOOM or Wolfenstein games (or their clones of course, but not "Total Eclipse" 80s engines) look on various older platforms like C64, Atari XL/XE, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST or Amiga 500... Or others.

Some people even don't know that there are 3D games for 8/16bits.
If You're a user of such machines and would like to share this knowledge with others - put here some titles and screenshots (I mean finished or at least fully playable games).
And links to them, would be nice too. ;)

I would be grateful and supposedly not only me.


Wolfenstein 3D

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Sadly CITADEL has been never finished so it doesn't count despite of look up/look down movements and animated textures on walls.

Wolfenstein 3D on Atari ST/STE:

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added on the 2009-03-19 14:55:34 by keops keops
Another obvious one: Doom on the SNES.
added on the 2009-03-19 15:04:20 by tomaes tomaes

Does that 'doom' game run on a standard speccy 128, or does it require a fancy russian clone with extra horse power? Does it have different height floors, or is it just a wolf engine in dooms clothing?
added on the 2009-03-19 15:31:29 by xeron xeron
xeron: it runs on standard 128K without any problems,
it's more a wolf style engine 'though. Except the "open area" stuff (with no roof at all and the 'mountain' thingie).
It's not a Petium You know. ;)
the speccy wolf clone runs on a "scorpion" clone which has a 7mhz turbo mode... the doom clone is actually a wolf clone, with prerendered wall textures (kinda char based).
added on the 2009-03-19 16:32:10 by Oswald Oswald
As I said, both games works normally on regular 128K Spectrum.
I'm not sure when is the 'difficult to understand' part.
Ah, one more thing - they're optimized to 3,5Mhz of course.
However it's not a thread for children with "my machine is better" complex but for people who want to know something new and are interested in many platforms.
Wolfenstein3D by Richard Wilson on Amstrad CPC. The only attempt till today and a very nice highres one with colors but slow of course. Turbo mode emulation to move is fun.

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I accidentally found this. Amiga ECS, with 32bit Amigas it's better speed, but then we aren't talking about this thread :)

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added on the 2009-03-19 19:19:59 by Optimus Optimus

I think you misunderstood the reason for my post. I was merely curious as to what those games were running on.
added on the 2009-03-19 21:18:12 by xeron xeron
Some people even don't know that there are 3D games for 8/16bits.

the original Wolfenstein3D runs on a 80286 (16bit) actually..
added on the 2009-03-19 22:27:22 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
actually there are a lot of 3d games for 8bit machines from their heydays.
added on the 2009-03-20 07:17:03 by Oswald Oswald
the TI83 Doom is insane :D
added on the 2009-03-20 10:14:13 by v3nom v3nom
yeah, TI83 doom is the best :)
added on the 2009-03-20 12:33:30 by elfh elfh
On the A500, there were many original 3D shooter games, like Za Zelezna Brama (Behind The Iron Gate), Trick Or Treat, and many others. Even an ECS engine for original DOOM's .WAD file exists, although it is not seriously playable on 68000 Amiga 500 and requires at least 020 accelerator and some Fast RAM.
added on the 2009-03-20 14:19:27 by aki aki
I was following the thread with interest.

The guy established a normal, even friendly thread about exchange knowledge of various platforms.

However somehow I felt that certain group of resident pouet retarded childred will come here and make a cesspool of it.
Especially their foxy "O" king - the most retarded child of all of them.

I waited silently and... of course he didn't dissapoint me.
After several friendly and interesting messages he appeared with his pathetic complex of his inferior machine.

He's so unsure of his machine's powers that he simply *cannot* stand any good productions on other machines (especially Atari Xl, like I noticed, but not only).
Dear Commodore fans, please - silent down the foxy "O" man, because he brings only shame on you. Actions of the retarded king unmask and expose his internal belief that his machine is very inferior.

If one knows every adventages of his machine, he indicates healthy interest in other platforms' achievements. And if he's not a jerk.
But that's obvious if one *cannot* waive aside other platforms' good prods (with benevolent interest or at least with indifference) and he simply *must* flame on the platforms and their achievements - that means (besides that such a moron is highly retarded) that he hides a deep internal belief that his machine is very inferior.

That's why mr foxy "O" came here (of course) and took a look on the screenshots. He noticed that ZX Spectrum games look twice better than the C64 crap with some giantic brick-pixel (actually I couldn't even state what's on the screens and what perspective was that actually) but instead of sitting silently [yet nobody attacked him or provoked, simply a prod on his machine sucked but it's not fault of Spectrum (nor Atari this time)], he of course started to bark.

Non-dear mr foxy "O": the guy explained to everybody what config is required for the proper working of these games on Spectrum (which means standard), also he didn't hide (like I understood) that Doom is with its engine similar rather to Wolf. You cannot just take the info like a normal man, and go make a better prod, can you?
So you have no idea about the subject-matter and be silent when older and wiser are conversating like civilized people (who you will never be).
Don't come, don't bark, but play your shitty games or just *make better one* but please - shut the fuck up at last.

Holy cow, he's like an impotent who talks about sex all the time to compensate his pitiful lacks.
BITS is an emperor compared to him.

@yezrmey: you plug the fucking machine into PC graphic card, record the game from standard hardware and put into youtube, for retarded children and their fucked up brains and people who can't use emulator properly. Seems like a good idea to me.
added on the 2009-03-20 17:16:21 by abscess abscess
WTF Dude???
added on the 2009-03-20 17:25:07 by Optimus Optimus
Wow, I think that is the best post ever on pouet!!
added on the 2009-03-20 17:35:40 by okkie okkie
optimus: Mr Foxy "O" might btw be the best nickname ever, so I would consider changing it if I were you :D
added on the 2009-03-20 17:37:16 by okkie okkie
And speaking of DOOM, this fucking owns!

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added on the 2009-03-20 17:38:05 by okkie okkie
Guys, please don't ruin this interesting thread with off-topic.

Yerzmey: Can we extend topic to demo parts with 3D wolf's(or doom) ray-castings engine? There are a lot more of them than games, it's easier to write good part, than a good game ;)
There was an article of how to do wolf engine on MSX that I found interesting http://msx.gnu-linux.net/doomlike/doomlike.html

Also, the "O" foxy I guess was not directed to me, but the message was a bit wtf without a reason.
added on the 2009-03-20 18:41:33 by Optimus Optimus


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