category: general [glöplog]
admit it guys, this thread was badly missing :p
gargaj: what about applying a rtrim() at the end of bbs messages and prod comments to normalize them ? :]
gargaj: what about applying a rtrim() at the end of bbs messages and prod comments to normalize them ? :]
Will the [u]-tag be included in v2.0 ?
Why rtrim? Why not just normal trim() ?
trimming posts is for dickheads
Whitespace, best
coding language, ever.
coding language, ever.
eltopo: maybe - it bears no real relevance so i might as well :)
i'll post here later about some of my plans (after i've finished work)
and ought to be enough for anyone.
and what about the random pause thread then ???!??!!1 :<<
I'd love to have the [u]-tag to emphasize important words in my messages :)
[ i] and [ b] just isn't as pleasing to the eye :)
thats what she said.
i've never liked underlined text.
ok, here's what's happening under the guise of pouet2 development:
the reason ps has been driven to the edge of insanity by pouet is that the codebase is in shreds, very very bad, obviously unmaintanable. the database is in slightly better shape, but only slightly - comments are stored with escaping backslashes and html special characters, it's really really bad.
what i'm doing right now is a complete rewrite of the page itself, to provide a nice prototyping system which i or someone else can easily work with. admittedly it's going slow but i'm a firm believer of code progress that starts slow and ends up rapid, instead of hacking together a basecode that'll fall apart under us the minute we find a bug.
what i want to do is rebuild the entire pouet identically (from the outside there shouldnt be many visible differences) and then start to rapidly expand on stuff that has been lacking (tags, pm-ing, personal stuff like collecting groups, better tools for the gloperators, etc.). what i have so far isnt bad but i'm still not entirely happy with some things.
i have no time estimage, but being the only person who's left, i have the obligation to at least try to do it.
the reason ps has been driven to the edge of insanity by pouet is that the codebase is in shreds, very very bad, obviously unmaintanable. the database is in slightly better shape, but only slightly - comments are stored with escaping backslashes and html special characters, it's really really bad.
what i'm doing right now is a complete rewrite of the page itself, to provide a nice prototyping system which i or someone else can easily work with. admittedly it's going slow but i'm a firm believer of code progress that starts slow and ends up rapid, instead of hacking together a basecode that'll fall apart under us the minute we find a bug.
what i want to do is rebuild the entire pouet identically (from the outside there shouldnt be many visible differences) and then start to rapidly expand on stuff that has been lacking (tags, pm-ing, personal stuff like collecting groups, better tools for the gloperators, etc.). what i have so far isnt bad but i'm still not entirely happy with some things.
i have no time estimage, but being the only person who's left, i have the obligation to at least try to do it.
*hugs* Gargaj
and yes, i am a big fan of last.fm - plenty to learn there.
Let's all hug Gargaj *hug*
gargaj, you'll get a beer from me when 2.0 is ready!
thanks for explaining your agenda :)
so you're thinking of keeping the current database structure.
i agree with Wade about the lack of 'pouët for gfx', would it be possible to consider an extension to pouet for that purpose, or maybe replicate your codebase on another site ? i wish all the recent graphics results on ftp.scene.org had a friendly community frontend!
so you're thinking of keeping the current database structure.
i agree with Wade about the lack of 'pouët for gfx', would it be possible to consider an extension to pouet for that purpose, or maybe replicate your codebase on another site ? i wish all the recent graphics results on ftp.scene.org had a friendly community frontend!
Person who adds a prod can modify the prodpage. I believe that "Fix me beatifull" thread will get shorter.
if pouet will be more like then last.fm it will be instant win :)