The "which is gayer" thread
category: general [glöplog]
god save the queer
titan is officially gayer than speedfisters!
fairlight vs. farbrausch
tunnels vs. metaballs (assuming the metaballs don't touch!)
wayfinder vs. reed (ultimate disco showdown)
tunnels vs. metaballs (assuming the metaballs don't touch!)
wayfinder vs. reed (ultimate disco showdown)
a queer is officially gayer than a homo!
gay is officially gayer than happy!
I don't understand :(
I don't understand :(
E8 vs Leech
omg it works
omg it works
ok the thing is clearly fucked up, just seconds ago it was 2,170,000 for both, now usa suddenly has 30,000 less
thats gayer :
Interestingly gay is officially gayer than gayer
pouet vs 4chan
France are leading! :) Well, they still have banks at least
Sorry... PC is gayer than mac
Not just that, its OFFICIALLY gayer than mac.