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warez @ pouet

category: general [glöplog]
Nice to see the latest Nintendo NES emulator

for Atari Falcon at Pouet. And it's not even Christmas yet. All glöppers out there, how about adding all the other nice releases from reservoir gods too, such as their gameboy emulator games for Atari Falcon, all the 27 back issues of maggie and their
Jazz Club ASCII Intro (winner of "worst demo title of 1997").
added on the 2002-12-07 16:14:50 by no1 no1
Wait. What are all these? Emulator titles??? And why do they release game per game and not the whole emulator??? Didn't got it? Are the games programmer or just emulated each separate?
added on the 2002-12-07 16:45:24 by Optimus Optimus
these are not generic emulators, they run some of the original gamecode, but other routines are recoded in 030 asm and some parts of the code are dropped. a generic emulator would be too slow on such a low powered system.

i added these because some of the music that was composed for these titles are on nectarine and i wanted to add a link from the song to the production.
added on the 2002-12-07 17:18:38 by mrpink mrpink
you added them for the glöps! =)
Me and my big mouth. I didn't REALLY mean you should add all the reservoir gods products. Since the games contain ripped game code, they are obviously illegal, unless you have permission from the companies that own the rights to the original games.

Let's see when pouet will get into trouble IDSA (Interactive Digital Software Association). IDSA has tried to shutdown back2roots twice, and back2roots even has legal rights to distribute the games the site contains.
added on the 2002-12-07 18:55:47 by no1 no1

so, naturally these are cracked games. thats what they do - crack game, remove protection, fix some things, often rewritting even quite some pieces. same here+ porting work. desrves a credit but these are really not demoscene prods, nor they are games built by sceners nor its crackintro.. nah. dont think tho that someone will try to shut down pouet because of few nes 2 st hacks

added on the 2002-12-07 21:46:38 by raver raver
these are not cracked games. there is no protection on nes stuff. the productions contain a single executable which contains the intros we made, plus the game code and data. there is no rom file in the zips. these productions only run on atari falcon - no way to see them on pc (as no falcon emulator exists).

these games were very popular on that falcon scene back in 97/98, and are a fairly important part of that scene's history. as group, rg have their roots in the demoscene having produced many intros, demos and the longest running demoscene diskmag on atari.

if this stuff is not relevant to pouet, then i can only apologise. i don't want to cause any problems for the adminstrators of this excellent site, so if you feel there may be issues, don't hesitate to remove them.

added on the 2002-12-07 22:27:51 by mrpink mrpink
While the admins are at it, they might also remove VIP2, State Of Mind and other prods that contain ripped (and therefore ILLEGAL) songs.
added on the 2002-12-08 00:43:13 by Jare Jare

ey sure mate u set things straight.
i dont whine as long as they contain intro etc - by cracking i meant dissecting copyrighted material what i frankly have nothing against anyway =)

added on the 2002-12-08 01:15:14 by raver raver
jare, I totally agree with you. VIP2, State of Mind & others were banned from demodvd exactly for that reason and some demo parties are also starting to follow copyright laws too. Maybe removing that kind of products from pouet and scene.org too would make stealing copyrighted material less desirable for demo makers.
added on the 2002-12-08 08:46:27 by no1 no1
mrpink: I've seen copyprotection on a nesgame once... earth bound II gave me a nagscreen close to the end of the game stating it was illegal.. probably just a PAL/NTSC check or something.. not that it matters at all in this discussion but still ;)
added on the 2002-12-08 14:55:35 by violator violator
Yeah, why don't you remove all the prods which contain gfx, models etc. made with cracked/pirate software.. They're illegal aswell, aren't they?
added on the 2002-12-08 15:11:08 by asasel asasel
Ho Jayegi Balle Balle
since none of the games/demos in question is actually hosted by pouet, but merely linked, why should anyone sue pouet for it?
added on the 2002-12-08 19:14:51 by lug00ber lug00ber
asasel, I am not a lawyer, but if you make a demo with a pirate copy of software (i.e. you have broke copyright laws to copy the software), that doesn't mean that the demo itself would break any copyright laws, because if it does not contain any copyrighted material (?).

lug00ber, good point. Nobody has ever sued anyone just for linking, right?
added on the 2002-12-08 20:40:04 by no1 no1
no1: well not any copyright law, still i guess it would brake some law. but, that wasn't my point. i tried to imply (by sarcasm) that laws are for lamers. and by that i didn't mean that one should brake every law that there is, but to act by one's moral values. ...and this discussion should end now, cause if not, it'll continue forever :)
added on the 2002-12-08 21:06:59 by asasel asasel
insert coin(s) to continue
I save my coins for a better game. ;)
added on the 2002-12-08 21:23:11 by tomaes tomaes


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