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category: general [glöplog]
Okay. that one thread is getting me a little delusional now. I think I could pull it off, but I need to get plane tickets in advance and of course schedule off from work. *jumps up and down* Coming from across the pond, what should I know before coming? Ive never been outside the US so I think it will be a good experience. :)))

But yes, I think (plane tickets $1600) + (provisions $300) would cut it. Im guessing I will be sleeping on the floor or something, and I can just bring my laptop for a computer instead of my desktop. I remember 3 years ago, me and my friends wanted to goto breakpoint, but now here is my chance!!!
added on the 2007-06-29 02:49:23 by Rubicante Rubicante
sleeping on the floor is not a problem... >50% of the ppl there will do that ;)

I hope to see you there!

added on the 2007-06-29 03:06:25 by las las
no. it wasnt a problem, actually it was a good thing! No hotel costs. :D
added on the 2007-06-29 03:08:16 by Rubicante Rubicante
MOST IMPORTANT: Germans don't wear Lederhosen, only bavarian people do that. All other cliches are true.

You will need some strange courency called "Euro" (or "euro" outside Germany). When you're at the airport and want to take the train to the city you cannot pay with dollari even if you have enough and want to. In 2004 some guy came from UK and had no Euros in his pocket -> 40 Euro ticket.

Depending on how early you arrive, you might check out some stores for a cheap sleeping bag and an thermal mat (iso mat). It is pure luxury as soon as it costs more then 10 Euros for both. (Alternatively ask some people who travel by car to bring a second set.)

Have a look at slengpung, laptops are fine these days. Also have a look at ctrix and gajaswords report from last year (sorry, I don't have the url at the moment), it might give some additional information (f.e. that Madenmann has alcohol in his hands).
excellent! nice to see more and more people from "over the pond" planning to come to visit our demoparty.

as for sleeping on the floor, from personal experience i'd recommend you to take a camping mat with you.

stay tuned for news in the next days about the long distance visitors' discount.

more info on evoke is at http://www.evoke.eu.
added on the 2007-06-29 03:14:13 by dipswitch dipswitch
madenmann, where can i buy sleeping bag AND camping mat for 10 euros?! must be GDR prices you're thinking about. :)
added on the 2007-06-29 03:20:12 by dipswitch dipswitch
Don't mention the war!
added on the 2007-06-29 03:32:22 by xernobyl xernobyl
reminds me i should probably book my tickets.. wondering if i should stay for buenzli and that videogame orchestra thing in leipzig or not...
added on the 2007-06-29 04:21:46 by psenough psenough
dip: I think I bought my stuff in supermarkets. I have only bought the cheap stuff since I don't need it that often and it's very likely I forget it somewhere. ;)

xernobyl: You still live in the 70s? Actually it's okay to mention the war. Germany's and France's stand against the war in Iraq has something to do with it.

ps: You should. Since there are quite some skeners in Leipzig and Dresden (~100 km) you likely won't even need a hotel room.
it aint about having a place to stay or not, was hoping to get some actual doing nothing holidays for a change.. but going to evoke makes it mandatory to also go to buenzli, which kinda makes it mandatory to also go see the orchestra thing, which kinda rubs 20 days off my 1 month doing nothing holidays plan :/ dunno.. i'll have a look at plane ticket prices and figure out my existencial doubt sometime soon i guess
added on the 2007-06-29 06:04:55 by psenough psenough
Yeah for Rubicante as our proud US ambassador to Evoke! :)
added on the 2007-06-29 07:24:48 by dnes dnes
btw. we don't like bush here! at least i don't like him!
added on the 2007-06-29 13:50:20 by las las
Yeah, we Eurotrash are not fond of Bush, republicans, american flags, hamburgers and freedom. We are basically all communists that would love to see the US fall from grace!!

Nah, just fucking with you, it'll be fine. Where are you from in the US? And would you mind bringing something from the US for me? :)
added on the 2007-06-29 14:01:51 by okkie okkie
okkie: origginal kornflakes?
added on the 2007-06-29 16:10:11 by rmeht rmeht
A pimpmobile?
added on the 2007-06-29 16:36:44 by xernobyl xernobyl
xernobyl: You can get a Pimpmobile from Norway!
a russian bride?
added on the 2007-06-29 18:01:49 by psenough psenough
evoke orgas: will there be a koln bustrip to bunzli this time btw? was hoping to catch it and get dropped off in frankfurt hahn on the way back to koln.. flights to porto all leave at 6am. could just spend the night after buenzli there. doing the best demo ever or something.
added on the 2007-06-29 18:23:42 by psenough psenough
it's something way more mundane. :/
added on the 2007-06-29 18:46:50 by okkie okkie
You have to know that all cologners are gay!!
except tobi, who won't sleep with me.
added on the 2007-06-29 19:28:54 by Shifter Shifter
Well I'll be the official Canadian abassador for this party then! :)

I was looking to go to Beuzli the next week but I'm actually heading to Italy on the 13th to hang out with friends, family... hit the beach... eat some good... food. But who knows... I'll muster something up! I'm on vacation so whatever goes!

As for accomidations.... this place looks so damn sweet!

Hopefully it's not too far from the demo site!

PS: whoa whoa... whoa....... WWWWHHHOOOOOAAAAA. Tell me about this video game orchestra! Is this Play! your talking about? Details man!

added on the 2007-06-29 19:47:24 by Phred Phred
As for accomidations.... this place looks so damn sweet!

must be "canadian taste" or smth- it looks like any other hotel to me. anyhow, it's like 3 miles from the party place.
added on the 2007-06-29 20:18:12 by havoc havoc
:) We don't get to appreciate German architecture and style as much over in Canada. If you saw our hotels... they are mostly pretty boring!
added on the 2007-06-29 20:42:39 by Phred Phred
phred: http://www.vgmconcerts.com/ 22nd august in leipzig, orchestra+choir performing stuff like themes from final fantasy, metal gear solid 2, ragnarok.. a bunch of special guests attending/contributing aswell.
added on the 2007-06-29 22:11:17 by psenough psenough


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