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Sequence/math oddness?

category: general [glöplog]
I was taking a shower this morning (praise the lord!) and my thoughts started wondering. I was think about numbers and how they are connected. The sequences added up and you can't help loving maths just a bit:

9x1=9 9=9
9x2=18 1+8=9
9x3=27 2+7=9
9x4=36 3+6=9
9x5=45 4+5=9
9x6=54 5+4=9
9x7=63 6+3=9
9X8=72 7+2=9
9x9=81 8+1=9
9x10=90 9+0=9

8x1=8 8=8
8x2=16 1+6=7
8x3=24 2+4=6
8x4=32 3+2=5
8x5=40 4+0=4
8x6=48 4+8=12 1+2=3
8x7=56 5+6=11 1+1=2
8X8=64 6+4=10 1+0=1
8x9=72 7+2=9
8x10=80 8+0=8

7x1=7 7=7
7x2=14 1+4=5
7x3=21 2+1=3
7x4=28 2+8=10 1+0=1
7x5=35 3+5=8
7x6=42 4+2=6
7x7=49 4+9=13 1+3=4
7X8=56 5+6=11 1+2=2
7x9=63 6+3=9
7x10=70 7+0=7

6x1=6 6=6
6x2=12 1+2=3
6x3=18 1+8=9
6x4=24 2+4=6
6x5=30 3+0=3
6x6=36 3+6=9
6x7=42 4+2=6
6X8=48 4+8=12 1+2=3
6x9=54 5+4=9
6x10=60 6+0=6

5x1=5 5=5
5x2=10 1+0=1
5x3=15 1+5=6
5x4=20 2+0=2
5x5=25 2+5=7
5x6=30 3+0=3
5x7=35 3+5=8
5X8=40 4+0=4
5x9=45 4+5=9
5x10=50 5+0=5

4x1=4 4=4
4x2=8 8=8
4x3=12 1+2=3
4x4=16 1+6=7
4x5=20 2+0=2
4x6=24 2+4=6
4x7=28 2+8=10 1+0=1
4X8=32 3+2=5
4x9=36 3+6=9
4x10=40 4+0=4

3x1=3 3=3
3x2=6 6=6
3x3=9 9=9
3x4=12 1+2=3
3x5=15 1+5=6
3x6=18 1+8=9
3x7=21 2+1=3
3X8=24 2+4=6
3x9=27 2+7=9
3x10=30 3+0=3

2x1=2 2=2
2x2=4 4=4
2x3=6 6=6
2x4=8 8=8
2x5=10 1+0=1
2x6=12 1+2=3
2x7=14 1+4=5
2X8=16 1+6=7
2x9=18 1+8=9
2x10=20 2+0=2

1x1=1 1=1
1x2=2 2=2
1x3=3 3=3
1x4=4 4=4
1x5=5 5=5
1x6=6 6=6
1x7=7 7=7
1X8=8 8=8
1x9=9 9=9
1x10=10 1+0=1

If we take every 2. line, the sequence goes like this:

9x2=18 1+8=9
8x2=16 1+6=7
7x2=14 1+4=5
6x2=12 1+2=3
5x2=10 1+0=1
4x2=8 8=8
3x2=6 6=6
2x2=4 4=4
1x2=2 2=2

(Yes, I have way too much free time on my hands, I know)
This is the stuff that leads you into L.C.Fism, if you're not careful.
added on the 2007-06-20 09:41:02 by Preacher Preacher
hehe, I hate these things. The last list is already included above, of course.

Btw, did you figure out why it happens that every time you multiply a prime number with 1,2,3... 9 and take the sum of the digits in the answer, you end up with some permutation of the numbers 1,2,3,... 9 ? The same things also happen when the starting number is a power of two! And why does it not happen when you start with a power of another prime, e.g. 3. Now, go explode or at least never take a shower again!
added on the 2007-06-20 09:53:44 by Hyde Hyde
added on the 2007-06-20 11:20:04 by imbusy imbusy
05135 13 35
added on the 2007-06-20 11:34:03 by Serpent Serpent
....and the 9th line always ends with 9! WTF????
Oh, and Spaceballs only had 9 fingers.... were they on to something here, or what???
Nutman: spend some time evolving your musical talents instead, ok? ;)
added on the 2007-06-20 12:11:52 by Puryx Puryx
Nutman: wellcome to modular arithmetic!
added on the 2007-06-20 14:09:59 by texel texel
Carrie: It's a pattern.
Samantha: I don't have a pattern.
Carrie: In math, randomness is considered a pattern.
Samantha: Yes, and I'm what they call a prime number.
imbusy: duh
added on the 2007-06-20 23:38:04 by Hyde Hyde
musicians and their damn patterns! *shakes fist*
added on the 2007-06-21 00:18:17 by el mal el mal
I was taking a shower this morning (praise the lord!) and my thoughts started wondering.

next time, try masturbating or singing a song :)
added on the 2007-06-21 00:30:37 by havoc havoc
added on the 2007-06-21 09:22:14 by el-bee el-bee
oh and bbcode doesn't use "" it seems :P
added on the 2007-06-21 09:22:45 by el-bee el-bee
Some quick googling shows another pattern; once again Hyde's wisdom (for which he has become widely known) consists of mere (uncredited) quotes from Sex and the city! http://quotations.about.com/cs/tvquotes/a/sex_city_top.htm

Slummy: Oh yeah? You accuse moi of stealing, huh? The part I don't understand, you are trying to act like I went to their house and took that quote from their computer. I don't know them from a can of paint. I'm 15 years deep. That's how you attack a king? You attack moi? Come on, man.
added on the 2007-06-21 10:16:02 by Hyde Hyde
I was taking a shower this morning [...] I have way too much free time on my hands
Only a few posts later havoc suggests the obvious. One of these reasons, why I love pouet.

Here's another mathematical oddness:
population(Gernamy) = 10 * population(Portugal)
sqr(population(Gernamy)) = 3 * sqr(population(Portugal))

--> sqr(10 * population(Portugal)) = 3 * sqr(population(Portugal))
--> sqr(10 * X) = 3 * sqr(X)
--> sqr(10) = 3 --> 3² = 10

Think about it!
3² = 10

Haha, I've found my mistake: population(Gernamy)
I was taking a shower this morning (praise the lord!) and my thoughts started wondering.

next time, try masturbating or singing a song :)

havoc: I didn't see I didn't do that. ;)
see = say
Concretly, there are some other interesting sequences :

Karl's Square roots

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4

x1 x3 x5 x7

Other sequences and parallelisms :

Note that boolean expression is always FALSE or TRUE.
Let's suppose a "composed" expression definition, adding probabilities to
logical solve using verity table and implications.
Is the probability of a human composed expression Rationnal or Fractionnal ?
Consider the value of a adjective composed conceptualisation in each language. Can you calculate some languages are more poetic than others ?
Principles of composed expression can be usefull to complete stochastics, or other king of derivative artificial intelligence.

added on the 2007-06-21 14:06:02 by L.C.F. L.C.F.
L.C.F: A boolean expression is _not_ always true or false!

Proof: http://worsethanfailure.com/Articles/Classic_WTF_-_What_is_Truth_0x3f_.aspx
Here is what's known as Cruzer's sequence: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Notice the pattern.

Btw, can you think of a name for the shape produced by this formula: n^2 + 9 + 9 (Known as cDonald's Theorem)

Then you can win a computerized toast system for your school.
added on the 2007-06-21 15:53:26 by cruzer cruzer


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