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UNI -> original tracker format

category: general [glöplog]
anyone got a converter from mikmod's old UNI format - so that old demo-modules could be converted back to their original (and playable) state ? :-D
Dream on macaw :(

Somehow Jean Paul Mikkers made absolutely sure modules were easily converted to UNI, but the other way around...errr...no. Even though the code passed a lot of hands over the years, nobody managed or attempted to write a converter. I too would like to have the means of converting some of my old tunes :((
added on the 2002-09-19 21:32:54 by Shifter Shifter
hmm, a uni->mp3 would be an okayish thing too ..
why not hack up a mikmod .uni-to-.wav renderer? or isn't .uni supported anymore?
added on the 2002-09-19 23:12:56 by sagacity sagacity
two issues:

1) uni is 'kinda dead' -the site that continues to support the developers of mikmod doesn't even mention it.

2) an mp3 won't give me my module back, which is the biggest issue for me.
added on the 2002-09-20 05:29:44 by Shifter Shifter
i *really* don't care about having the original track i just wanted the music in whatever shape is possible (and replayable).
Grab ftp://ftp.hornet.org/pub/demos/code/audio/players/mikdx030.zip, run source\mikmod.exe (DirectSound output), and capture sound output to WAV.

And if someone could reverse-engineer mikcvt.c to make a UNI to module converter, I could really use it for demodulate. :)
added on the 2002-09-22 19:17:36 by phoenix phoenix


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