Keygen scene
category: general [glöplog]
I am building a website with screenshots of the various groups keygens and also an option to download the music which plays in them, could anyone who has any keygens old/new with music please email them to me :
I will credit all who submit anything used or not :)
I will credit all who submit anything used or not :)

Did I hear you right, did I hear you sayin'
That you're gonna make a copy of a game without payin'?
Come on, guys, I thought you knew better!
Don't copy that floppy!
uhm this is fucking weird. 2 days ago we had that guy promoting his site with warez logos. now a different(?) guy asking for keygen screenshots?
smells fishy i would say. if this is someone trying to sniff out the demo scene for probably warez-related knowledge and even affiliations - forget it! only the dumbest will fall on this, and they would deserve it.
smells fishy i would say. if this is someone trying to sniff out the demo scene for probably warez-related knowledge and even affiliations - forget it! only the dumbest will fall on this, and they would deserve it.
and i can only advise people NOt to send any keygens to that adress, since afaik spreading them is illegal.
fishy fishy tactics... remember gravenreuth/"tanja"!
fishy fishy tactics... remember gravenreuth/"tanja"!
Give our best regards to you cousin Michael, psmuk.
Gargaj: exactly my thought. Please plek come back and teach those people manners :)
Psmuk: pouet is about demoscene, not warez. I'm afraid you're at the wrong place for that.
Psmuk: pouet is about demoscene, not warez. I'm afraid you're at the wrong place for that.
and in case you are a police agent or something, the demoscene isn't about keygens, h4xx or cracks. it's about love between mature and immature men, a front for short gay WMV clips swapping.
god makes young people want to create stuff
particularly yound people in love and people who want to have their own new zion
most of these young people have no money and it is a revelation to them to find out that they are part of the new 2000 year old apocalypse which allows them to crack their software and kill the evil powers that impose such restrictions on them so they can go forth and become part of the new zion with their illustrious creations....
beware the nanotode!
particularly yound people in love and people who want to have their own new zion
most of these young people have no money and it is a revelation to them to find out that they are part of the new 2000 year old apocalypse which allows them to crack their software and kill the evil powers that impose such restrictions on them so they can go forth and become part of the new zion with their illustrious creations....
beware the nanotode!
im starting to get really annoyed with the number of lamers/fakesusers around here. why not set a 100 glop limit on starting threads or something. yeah, i will also send all my keygens.
A 100 glop limit will only lead to fake entries in the database to earn the glops needed to post, althought it might stop some of the "more decent" fake users...
I'm more a fan of the "wait a week or month first before you're allowed to post" approach, although that might lead to "sleeping" fake users which are created in advance just in case the creator might need a fake account one day...
I'm more a fan of the "wait a week or month first before you're allowed to post" approach, although that might lead to "sleeping" fake users which are created in advance just in case the creator might need a fake account one day...
Quisten: care to explain what this whole glop-thing is? :)
sparcus: what is a fake user anyway i couldnt understand the fake moustache song that i found as i think its german? _ i'm not really sure that anyone here is qualified to call me a fake user? but then i dont know what a fake user is?
fakeuser: an unknown entity (also often refered to retard and/or clueless newbie) who pretends to be a real user in order to obtain the priviligies that allow him to spam and annoy the living shit out of 90% of the other active users.
midget: comment a demo and get a glop, add a demo and get some more. it tells you how active you are. its a good way of preventing lamers as show7 and psmuck with his thousands nicks from making multiple lame threads.
that's an even better explanation than the FAQ gave me. Thanks :)
fakeuser: an unknown entity (also often refered to retard and/or clueless newbie) who pretends to be a real user in order to obtain the priviligies that allow him to spam and annoy the living shit out of 90% of the other active users.
unknown entity
i can live with that
ur clueless!
richie, or whatever your name is, i thought you quit.. what you still doing checking pouet every 2 hours?
yeah! why?!
I am building a website with screenshots of the various pornmovies and also an option to download the pornpictures, could anyone who has any pornmovies old/new with music please email them to me :
I will credit all who submit anything used or not :)
I will credit all who submit anything used or not :)
richie, or whatever your name is, i thought you quit.. what you still doing checking pouet every 2 hours?
i'm waiting for u to remove my account please
no account removing on pouet. thought you'd new, crest.
ehr. knew. fuckings to phonetics.
ps: please remove my account