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Had you ever paranormal experiences?

category: general [glöplog]
I am a fan of paranormal stories and I am used to buy various magazines and books concerning that. But I never ever had encountered something really strange that I could consider as metaphysical. I hear a lot of stories from people around who have seen UFOs, spirit and teh other shit, but I wonder why it didn't happened with me too. Well,. I already have some possible answers, so it's not the main subject (but I'd still like to hear your opinions), but the main questions are:

Have you ever had paranormal experiences?
What is your opinion towards the whole subject?

p.s. I have the feeling that most sceners are quite rational, so they say "Oh,. bullshit! Do you beleive that shit?", "Don't buy those mags, they are fooling you to give them your money.." and stuff, cause, yes, many greek sceners I met in real life keep this stasis towards the whole phenomenon. So,. it would be interesting for me statistically..
added on the 2005-01-30 17:45:31 by Optimus Optimus
Had you ever paranormal experiences?
Does Breakpoint count?
i had a panamerican experience once, that was quite groovy
added on the 2005-01-30 17:55:18 by okkie okkie
That's the only serious thread yesterday. Tell me more..
added on the 2005-01-31 13:50:10 by Optimus Optimus
couple of weekends ago i didn't feel like boozing my liver to the outer space.
added on the 2005-01-31 14:00:49 by astu astu
Had you ever paranormal experiences?
Yes! I see fakeusers and attention whores. All the time. Some don't even know they are some morons.
added on the 2005-01-31 15:16:21 by p01 p01


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