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People who have five girlfriends..

category: general [glöplog]

..do they have a real life?

I am still at zero and then I think: "Do I get one or not? Will I have free time for me then? ;]"

Well,. I beleive I will do the trip soon enough and then all my answers would be answered..


p.s. My real question is: "Why someone like EP, would still have to spend his time in the scene, arguing with other sceners by writting more incomprehensible texts than me five years ago,. when he claims his girlfriendship (wow, what a word?! ;) at the end, by using it in a manner like "Yo! I have a life because I do have 5, you don't!!! Unlike you girlfriendless (Wow, what a word 2?! ;)) freaks!". Why would that guy still have the urge to argue with use, "lifeless geeks"? Does it mean, that even finding a girlfriend won't cure me up? ;/

p.p.s. I am just ironic and powerfool (another word?! Power but fool =) these days, so I don't really mean anything and I am not sad. I am optimistic for many things and go full and fool. But this last phrase made me smile, like he said "Yo, si name is EP, I am teh local weirdo, scene is fool of lamerz, and I heva FIVE girlfriends, so I own life and ya dont! But I still am wacko cause I have problems in da brainz with u =)" and stuff..

p.p.s. I think I am repeating myself..
added on the 2005-01-27 15:19:15 by Optimus Optimus
added on the 2005-01-27 15:20:55 by Optimus Optimus
5 girlfriends is hell on earth optimus. Imagine 5 fucking bitches complaining and asking attention!!! i couldn't even cope with one, let alone five!! i think i'd end up killing them and stuffing them in my rather large freezer.
added on the 2005-01-27 15:27:01 by okkie okkie
can I borrow the freezer? I have some... thing... that I want to store there.
haha.. sure! it's empty for now, the sizes are 3 meter by 2 meter by 1.5 meter (length, width, height), is that big enough for your 'thing' ? :)
added on the 2005-01-27 15:35:23 by okkie okkie
I like my coffee like I like my women ...

Ground up and in the freezer ...
so you were the one to outbid on that "imca marina cryo coffin" auction! AHA!
added on the 2005-01-27 15:45:18 by havoc havoc
added on the 2005-01-27 15:45:33 by havoc havoc
hahahaha :) i had this freezer for a long time havoc.. for a brief period of time i even lived in it!
added on the 2005-01-27 15:46:17 by okkie okkie
weyland: you put coffee in the freezer? *confused*
which psycho keeps coffee in a freezer?
added on the 2005-01-27 16:42:51 by Gargaj Gargaj
i like my women like i like my coffee...

.. in a plastic cup!!!
added on the 2005-01-27 16:57:07 by okkie okkie
Ok, see, if you don't put your coffee in the freezer, it doesn't stay fresh when you buy it in bulk. Which you should do because it's cheaper that way and you can get good coffee.

And by good coffee I don't mean starbucks.
i never had 5 girlfriends at the same time, hohaha..

but i cheated a bit my prev. girlfriend : (

now im alone and i must say it's better than anything ; ))

all your freezers are belong to optimus!!!
added on the 2005-01-27 17:38:28 by nula nula
ppl who have 5 girlfriends don't have them in the same town.
U call them and meet them when needed and not at the same time.

Try those working in finance and all kind of big business :
more intelligent than the "average" girl.
"more intelligent" means have an intelligence closer than yours.
U have an intelligence called Cartesian : based on numbers, maths.

I have written I have 5 GF not to said :
"you loose your time, get a life".
I said I love them more than demo.
This don't means you have to do like me.
This wasn't a challenge to take up.

Plz don't think "he said we were bad : he do that and not us".
Some have 1, others 2, others x GF, each guy is case, is taste.
Morever don't generalize what I said to dipswitch to you :
dip is dip, you are you, you're different.

Dip :
I don't try to divide you from others,
I said you are different, I'm different too.
added on the 2005-01-27 18:35:18 by ep ep
ok, i can not hold it any longer:
*banging my head on a wall*

feeling better now...
added on the 2005-01-27 18:45:28 by deemage deemage
I like my coffee like I like my women ...

Ground up and in the freezer ...

Not a good idea (the coffee freezing, that is!)

added on the 2005-01-27 18:54:08 by radman1 radman1
"Try those working in finance and all kind of big business "

Show them your dvd-burned demos..
added on the 2005-01-27 19:12:19 by Navis Navis
5 girlfriends is for wimps.

I have at least 513000!

All stored alphabetically in C:\My Documents\pr0n\
added on the 2005-01-27 21:31:35 by moT moT
Better get one girlfriend and four other nice friends who like to have fun with you and your girlfriend time to time.
added on the 2005-01-27 21:33:28 by freeze freeze
Five are enough for a night!
added on the 2005-01-27 21:57:15 by doh doh
optimus: girls are the source of all evil. almost as evil as machines can be. they _will_ use you, shred you, destroy you and make sure you feel you are to blame you for the occurence. there is nothing you can do to withheld the temptation of wanting/needing them, and there will be nothing you can do but feel horrible when they realize you arent good enough for their utopian needs. you are better off without them. get friends not lovers. dont say i didnt warn you. never trust a lobster!
added on the 2005-01-27 22:18:28 by psenough psenough
I thought the obvious answer was as follows:

People who have five girlfriends..

added on the 2005-01-27 22:25:45 by radman1 radman1
The most significant failure you can do is try to understand women.
That won't work, never ever.
Their X-Chromosomes aren't compatible to the male way of thinking.
But for their multitasking-ability i envy them :)

But hey...hand on your torch, what would be life without them ?
added on the 2005-01-27 22:32:05 by checkoff checkoff


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