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little help fixing partycompo section please?

category: general [glöplog]

just added that new feature that lets you choose the compo the prod was entered on at the party..
can you bored people please use it to populate the database with the proper partycompo info?

just check party.php of your favorite parties and you'll notice whats missing ;)

most of the associations are obvious, some need a quick results.txt consultation.. you can download the latest astroidea official results pack and check the proper places.

also, since you're at it, upload the results.txt of the party using the [+results] link..

let me know if you find any bugs on the new functionality, or there is something that needs fixing.
added on the 2004-12-25 23:18:08 by psenough psenough
actually, the list lacks such a thing as a combined democompo, or just "democompo". at scene event, for instance, all platforms compete in one big democompo (and ditto for intros) - the way it should be!
added on the 2004-12-26 11:21:05 by skrebbel skrebbel
mobile demo compo seems to be missing...
added on the 2004-12-26 11:27:59 by dairos dairos
it's quite some dilemma with combined compos, like combined pc/amiga 64k compo (symphony 2003), or combined demo/intro compo (geekcamp 2002). also, you forgot the amiga 4k intro category.
added on the 2004-12-26 14:38:53 by dipswitch dipswitch
then just call the combined compos 'combined'.. :P
ALTER TABLE prods modify partycompo set('none', 'wild', 'OHP', 'animation', 'alternative', 'dentro', 'fast demo', 'lamer demo', 'textmode', 'oldskool', 'website', 'browser', 'flash', 'mobile', 'handheld', 'console', 'megademo', 'dynamicdemo', 'java demo', '3d acc demo', 'non 3d acc demo', 'game', 'combined demo', 'combined 64k', 'combined 4k', 'pc demo', 'pc 64k', 'pc 128k', 'pc 100k', 'pc 4k', 'pc 1k', 'pc 512b', 'pc 256b', 'pc 128b', 'amiga demo', 'amiga 40k', 'amiga 64k','amiga 4k', 'c64 demo', 'c64 intro', 'zx demo', 'zx intro', 'zx 4k', 'zx 512b', 'zx 256b', 'zx 128b', 'cpc demo', 'atari demo', 'atari 192k', 'atari 128b', 'atari 96k', 'atari 4k', 'playstation demo', 'dreamcast demo');

anything else missing?
added on the 2004-12-26 17:37:51 by psenough psenough
come to think of it, maybe call "combined" "multiplatform" or sth to avoid confusion :)
added on the 2004-12-26 18:01:22 by skrebbel skrebbel
on the parties they usually call them "combined" or "combined platform" so i think i'll leave it as it is for now..
added on the 2004-12-26 18:28:31 by psenough psenough
ther eshould be smth for "combined compo" in general, for püarties whcih had so few entries that everything was in the same compo.
added on the 2004-12-26 19:08:48 by dipswitch dipswitch
kg 2001 had a combined pc demo and pc intro compo, but i guess that's a bit too spesiffic.
added on the 2004-12-26 20:42:47 by kusma kusma
this is a ps idea (detta är en dum idé)
added on the 2004-12-26 20:56:10 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
/me begs for alphabetical sorting in the listbox :)
added on the 2004-12-26 21:01:53 by Gargaj Gargaj
PC 64byte please (of 0a000h fame) and "surprise coding"
added on the 2004-12-26 21:27:26 by kb_ kb_
ALTER TABLE prods modify partycompo set('none', '8bit demo', '16 seconds demo', 'alternative demo', 'amiga demo', 'amiga 64k', 'amiga 40k', 'amiga 4k', 'animation', 'atari demo', 'atari 192k', 'atari 96k', 'atari 4k', 'atari 128b', 'browser', 'c64 demo', 'c64 intro', 'combined demo', 'combined dentro', 'combined demo/intro', 'combined 64k/4k', 'combined 64k', 'combined 4k', 'console', 'cpc demo', 'dynamic demo', 'fast demo', 'flash demo', 'gamedev', 'gameboy demo', 'handheld demo', 'java demo', 'lamer demo', 'megademo', 'mobile demo', 'oldskool demo', 'oldskool intro', 'OHP demo', 'pc 3d acc demo', 'pc non 3d acc demo', 'pc demo', 'pc 128k', 'pc 100k', 'pc 64k', 'pc 4k', 'pc 1k', 'pc 512b', 'pc 256b', 'pc 128b', 'playstation demo', 'shortfilm', 'textmode demo', 'website', 'wild', 'zx demo', 'zx intro', 'zx 4k', 'zx 512b', 'zx 256b', 'zx 128b');
added on the 2004-12-26 21:33:11 by psenough psenough
surprise coding != fast demo ?
added on the 2004-12-26 21:33:49 by psenough psenough
ALTER TABLE toncul INSERT('mabite');
added on the 2004-12-26 21:35:13 by skarab skarab
not too sure about that... while fast demos are more or less funny stuff, surprise coding is more about nekk1d h4x0r skillz and such... no idea.
added on the 2004-12-26 21:35:31 by kb_ kb_
ppl usually dont add surprise coding entries to pouet unless they are audiovisual quests anyways....
added on the 2004-12-26 21:43:50 by psenough psenough
game 32k and game 96k (for the Breakmekka & Symposiumpoint party series) or are they "gamedev"?
"gamedev" is better imho, cause at each partry there is only ONE game compo.
added on the 2005-01-02 20:30:37 by dipswitch dipswitch
oh and please do "windows demo", as in the party 1998, http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=2852
added on the 2005-01-02 21:04:50 by dipswitch dipswitch
although, may it be that by "windows demo" they ment 3d accelerated demos?
added on the 2005-01-02 21:11:48 by dipswitch dipswitch
gleb: added
added on the 2005-01-02 21:13:03 by psenough psenough
results says windows98 so i just added win98.
it's not 3d acc afaik. they only added that compo in 2000 i think.
added on the 2005-01-02 21:15:01 by psenough psenough
another thing concerning the party 1998: there is "java intro" and "java demo". could you either add "java intro" or rename "java demo" to simply "java"? thx.
added on the 2005-01-02 21:16:24 by dipswitch dipswitch


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