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commercial banner on pouet sucks a lot ? your opinion !

category: general [glöplog]
pouet.net :
is free
is great
is scene
is made by users
is see by sceners
is glopware

i dont want to see commercial advert here
(our work in add demo-links makes us rich of glops, can we exchange glops to true Euros for buying stuff on the commercial sponsors?)

keep pouet.net free, join the insurection :-)
Well, I like it better on the bottom than the top. Thanks, analogue.

But I agree that it doesn't feel right to have one on a site like this. Maybe we can donate our glop prizes back to support pouet. :)
added on the 2001-05-31 15:49:51 by phoenix phoenix
come on.. we live in a real world.. pouet is sure free and great and by sceners for sceners, but it's a pretty big database that has some expenses to be paid.. we're demosceners, we're quite young and not very rich people, and I believe we should understand analogue and should not expect him to pay for all the stuff with his own money.. he's not trying to get rich riding on our backs or something, just to get back some money he spend on making pouet better.. 8)
added on the 2001-05-31 16:20:25 by bhead bhead
ok, i'm right, if pouet cost to their creators, then they can make it auto-pay
(i'm just surprised to learn that pouet cost money :/)

banner at the bottom it's the best way (but please not at the top :] )
Zone > running a site is not only plugging the server to a cable :)

Some people say that internet is made up of a 90% of links. I disagree. It's made up of a 90% of ads. Actually that's what keep on a lot of things running.

It's not so bad. Does anyone wish to have an "only member's section" in pouet? Or even worse: typing your VISA to download a prod. :)

I'm not an internet-ad fan.I hate them. And I think they're useless, 'cos I've never clicked over one of them. But there is people that think that banners are ok. So let's take profit of it :). Just don't look at banners. And let's hope that Ana|logue keeps the number of banners low. :)
added on the 2001-05-31 17:19:27 by spite spite
Yes, BHEAD is right...There can be one commercial banner at the botom of the screen....
if you really hate banners, why don't you get some banner-removing software? I use AtGuard, it's a quite fine personal firewall-like thingie, very stable and highly configurable.. never seen any banner with it (and I don't see a banner on pouet either 8)).
such programs should be pretty popular now, do a search. AtGuard is now a part of Symantec Security suite or something like that.. an outdated but working fine version should still be available at http://atguard.da.ru. 8)
added on the 2001-06-01 08:34:49 by bhead bhead
is free > YOU don't pay the hosting
is great > right :)
is made by users > first of all it's made by analogue
added on the 2001-06-02 19:01:04 by alexkidd alexkidd
Pouet rulez, and ad banners should help the service to go on for some more years...
Some does not like ad banners, but actually... I bought my 16/9 TV after seeing an ad in a website :)
I think it's fine, since the site is fast, and the banner at the bottom of the screen... no problem for me.
added on the 2001-06-02 19:11:29 by tuo tuo
Who wants the ADs back ? I need a new Porsche !

(thanks to the scene.org team btw)
added on the 2004-11-30 05:46:12 by analogue analogue
STFU !!!

Go and win some major democompos and sell the prizes (like expensive grafickcards) instead...

Muuuahahahahaha ;-D
added on the 2004-11-30 06:00:02 by Drago_VOZ Drago_VOZ
wrooom wroooooom.....
added on the 2004-11-30 06:15:26 by Drago_VOZ Drago_VOZ
added on the 2004-11-30 09:19:11 by Optimus Optimus
Or Thallia? I found another (a singer)..
added on the 2004-11-30 09:30:34 by Optimus Optimus
firefox + adblock.

also, less crack for zone.
added on the 2004-11-30 09:45:33 by Shifter Shifter
Enough with Thalia and Thallia. Where is Natasha now?!?
added on the 2004-11-30 10:18:34 by Optimus Optimus
OMG analogue want to make petty money on the work he does. Shame on he...ofcourse he could plaster this in adds, i dont mind as i dont see them ;)
added on the 2004-11-30 10:28:34 by NoahR NoahR
huh, there ever were commercial banners on pouet?!
added on the 2004-11-30 10:52:05 by dipswitch dipswitch
i say we oughta reinstall the ads and use any profit made to organise a huge piss-up for all pouet.net-regulars!
added on the 2004-11-30 11:37:04 by havoc havoc


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