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I'm looking for a MS-DOS-Demo from around 1993.

category: residue [glöplog]
It's one of the mainstream-ish but softer ones, every second DOS-kiddy had it somewhere on floppy beside other demos and a copy of Body Blow and Epic Pinball I think... like me /o\. My guess was it's a demo from TBL but an unlucky search for it means I could miss it with greetings to TBL or I was starting some TBL-demos too often. So, this should be easy for you more name oriented fellowers than for me:
a dark flower (rose?) rise up with a dark spacy background and some lyric in white font says: "this is for you my friend"...
1st time I run it I got infected completely and started to be 'offline'. ^^ ty
added on the 2018-07-08 17:45:23 by aqu aqu
hmm, maybe this could help... ;-)
added on the 2019-10-10 18:34:07 by RufUsul RufUsul
Doesn't tell me anything but because I am thinking of 1993 and TBL weren't even at the time (unless on the Amiga).
added on the 2019-10-10 19:18:19 by Optimus Optimus
TBL do have flowers and 3d spherical coordinate flower like thingies but nowhere I remember "this is for you my friend" in any of their lyrics.
added on the 2019-10-10 19:27:20 by Optimus Optimus
FR-43 time Index comes to my mind, it includes said lyrics and flowers, but it's 10 years later
added on the 2019-10-10 20:52:01 by v3nom v3nom
Did you check the MindCandy Volume 1: PC Demos already?
RufUsul: bookmarked for a later search
v3nom: The atmosphere and style in 'time index' is the right direction.
Dresdenboy: I did a more, then less backflashing thumbnail-preview through Mind Candy Vol 1. - No, or I missed it.

I believe it wasn't from TBL anyway. It started almost black and began to be detailed slowly, for about like 50 seconds. (as far I can remember)
added on the 2019-10-18 23:21:41 by aqu aqu
your first description made me think of replay - some bookprint and a broken heart but it doesnt match the color scheme nor 90s timeframe you describe. also in a similar style 3state - sonnet is too newskool, so. no idea and thus it's probably not as mainstream as you think ;)
added on the 2019-10-18 23:52:01 by el mal el mal
Might not be, but https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=287 would start a bit dark, has flower, lyrics. Can't find the exact phrase "this is for you my friend" though.
added on the 2019-10-20 21:38:11 by Optimus Optimus
not for real. thank you anyway
added on the 2019-10-23 02:33:26 by aqu aqu
Please post the demo here whenever you find it.
added on the 2019-10-23 16:00:34 by v3nom v3nom


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