lobster lovers
category: general [glöplog]
we need to share our love for lobsters and dont be so damn underground anymore. Therefore talk about your deepest feelings, dont be shy... the lobsters love you!
Maali, it should be expressed that this is a subculture that doesn't concern itself with the culinary aspects of the lobster. clack clack.
maali, what is it with you and ruining all the funny jokes?
(\/) O o (\/)
lobsters are our friends
Lobsters are in the amanda show, and they dance!
The lobsters are our fysical friends :&~
The lobsters are our fysical friends :&~

i agree with skreb on this one

we can always use another lobsterthread
those beasts are f'n scary

Okkie: The link to claim the Free $50 Lobster dinner is broken (\) o O (/)
maali, what is it with you and ruining all the funny jokes?
op zinloze momenten moet je zinloze dingen doen :P

ownz :)

hand in hand

Maali hunting the lobsters during his travel to Helsinki!
helsinki? i hate finland -_-