Emulation Nightmares!!!
category: general [glöplog]
I have literally spent the last two hours trying to setup WinUAE to run Hardwired, and it is always, ALWAYS crashing after the opening sequence which I must've seen a dozen times by now!
I have tried to setup WinUAE directly to emulate my late 1990 A500 with KS1.3 and half-meg Chip RAM and I presume OCS, but it just will not run past the same point. I also tried different configurations of A500, but still no joy.
Ironically, it's available on Amiga Forever but the version they used has got faulty corrupted graphics, namely the toilet (fans of the demo will know what I mean) but bloody hell is it a nightmare trying to emulate, especially when the real hardware had no issues with such things!
Even the AF system configs will not work! WTF's going on?
I have tried to setup WinUAE directly to emulate my late 1990 A500 with KS1.3 and half-meg Chip RAM and I presume OCS, but it just will not run past the same point. I also tried different configurations of A500, but still no joy.
Ironically, it's available on Amiga Forever but the version they used has got faulty corrupted graphics, namely the toilet (fans of the demo will know what I mean) but bloody hell is it a nightmare trying to emulate, especially when the real hardware had no issues with such things!
Even the AF system configs will not work! WTF's going on?
I'm watching it right now and seems to be working fine past the intro sequence. Then again I also added 1MB fast.
Not sure if trolling. Hardwired has run just fine on WinUAE for 10+ years. Either you're using a corrupt disk image or something is horribly wrong in your config.
That broken toilet seat part was caused by a corrupt disk image which had spread quite widely on the internet. I'd imagine it has been replaced on all the major archives by now.
That broken toilet seat part was caused by a corrupt disk image which had spread quite widely on the internet. I'd imagine it has been replaced on all the major archives by now.
That broken toilet seat part was caused by a corrupt disk image which had spread quite widely on the internet. I'd imagine it has been replaced on all the major archives by now.
Except Amigascne (and by proxy, Pouet) apparently :)
especially when the real hardware had no issues with such things!
Try running hardware on anything else than a plain 68000 Amiga and say that again please...
For your UAE troubles, just use a normal 68000, 1.3 512k Chip, 512k Fake Fast config and the demo will run without any problems if your disk images aren't corrupt.
-hardware +hardwired
Finally got it to run with only one little glitch (the cube shadowing effect):
Turns out the WinUAE I'd been using (part of Amiga Forever) dated from 2012, so I d/l'ed the latest version.
And ironically, it failed to run past the opening because I simply hadn't inserted the second disk, or more correctly, had inserted it into DF1: - but it seems Hardwired doesn't work with multiple drives, so when it came to loading the main section it crashed because it didn't find the data it needed. Doesn't help when the loader also can't auto-detect if the second disk has been inserted.
But as I said, got it running in the end, with Full ECS and as much memory as I could put on it. ECS might have a bearing on the way the visuals look, but surely the more memory the better?
Turns out the WinUAE I'd been using (part of Amiga Forever) dated from 2012, so I d/l'ed the latest version.
And ironically, it failed to run past the opening because I simply hadn't inserted the second disk, or more correctly, had inserted it into DF1: - but it seems Hardwired doesn't work with multiple drives, so when it came to loading the main section it crashed because it didn't find the data it needed. Doesn't help when the loader also can't auto-detect if the second disk has been inserted.
But as I said, got it running in the end, with Full ECS and as much memory as I could put on it. ECS might have a bearing on the way the visuals look, but surely the more memory the better?
But as I said, got it running in the end, with Full ECS and as much memory as I could put on it. ECS might have a bearing on the way the visuals look, but surely the more memory the better?
Again, not sure if I'm not just feeding a troll.. but no, more memory is not automatically better and may actually make things worse. Approximately 99.9% of OCS/ECS demos make no use of RAM beyond 1MB. Oh and btw, there are VERY few "ECS" demos in existence, save for those which require 1MB of chip RAM and thus need the ECS Agnus and a couple of other very special cases.
No, I'm not trolling.
Perhaps try to spend some time getting to know the Amiga ecosystem beyond "I want to run this demo". It's not like emulating a Playstation where you just need emulator, bios, disc image, and go!, you often need a bit more knowledge. Learn the differences between memory types, kickstart versions, chipsets, etc., and how the operating system works, that should help you.
I used to own an A500 (from December 1990) and an A1200 with 80Mb HDD (from September 1993) so I'm quite familiar with using an Amiga and know about some of the technical details, but I never got around to tinkering with Workbench installs or anything too technical like that, for me it was just literally insert and play and if it doesn't work, do without.
I've been using Amiga emulators since the early 00s, but it seems you need to be an expert to set them up, especially since WinUAE was buggy, slow and not very helpful back then - if I recall, the Quickstarts never even existed.
But until today, I haven't used WinUAE by itself, but now I have, and I'm pleased how easy everything is, and preconfigured for most scenarios. It also helps that I moved on from Amiga Forever, which is very restricting, buggy beyond belief - oh, and excrable.
I've been using Amiga emulators since the early 00s, but it seems you need to be an expert to set them up, especially since WinUAE was buggy, slow and not very helpful back then - if I recall, the Quickstarts never even existed.
But until today, I haven't used WinUAE by itself, but now I have, and I'm pleased how easy everything is, and preconfigured for most scenarios. It also helps that I moved on from Amiga Forever, which is very restricting, buggy beyond belief - oh, and excrable.
MindCandy 2 is a free download and of course has Hardwired... if you want to see a real hardware capture.