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type : platform :
type prodname platform group release party release date added rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
demo Apple II Apple ][ demo ACS 1988 march 2004 6 6 1 0.38
cracktro Apple II Ultima I (Enhanced) Dark Logic :: PZS january 1987 december 2007 2 1 0 0.67
cracktro Apple II Super Boulderdash PZS 1986 november 2007 0 1 0 0.00
cracktro Apple II Winnie The Pooh Adventure Black Bag 1986 november 2007 2 0 0 1.00
cracktro Apple II The Wizard of Oz The Pirate :: The Rogue june 1985 november 2007 1 1 0 0.50
demotool Apple II Super Highres-Scroller The Digital Gang april 1985 may 2010 1 3 0 0.25
demotool Apple II Fantavision 1985 march 2015 13 2 0 0.87
cracktro Apple II F-15 Strike Eagle Black Bag 1985 december 2007 0 0 0 0.00
cracktro Apple II Lantern of d'gamma The Six Pack 1985 november 2007 2 0 0 1.00
cracktro Apple II Glidepath Piratech 1985 november 2007 2 0 0 1.00
cracktro Apple II Rainy Day Games First Class 1985 november 2007 8 1 0 0.89
cracktro Apple II Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego ? The Round Table 1985 november 2007 0 0 0 0.00
demotool Apple II Pirate's Signature Johnney Appleseed june 1984 august 2008 3 0 0 1.00
cracktro Apple II AtariSoft Programs PZS 1984 december 2007 1 0 0 1.00
cracktro Apple II Kids On Keys & Kidwriter PZS 1984 december 2007 1 0 0 1.00
cracktro Apple II Fishies Racketeers :: Warelords 1984 december 2007 0 0 0 0.00
cracktro Apple II Karateka/aketaraK PZS 1984 december 2007 2 1 0 0.67
cracktro Apple II Snoopy To The Rescue The Apple Mafia 1984 november 2007 1 0 0 1.00
cracktro Apple II Trolls And Tribulations The Wareforce 1984 november 2007 1 0 0 1.00
cracktro Apple II Mr. Do Black Bag 1984 november 2007 2 0 0 1.00
cracktro Apple II Transylvania double hires Miami Vice 1984 november 2007 1 1 0 0.50
cracktro Apple II Lucifer's Realm The 202 Alliance 1984 november 2007 1 1 0 0.50
cracktro Apple II The Institute Black Bag 1983 november 2007 5 0 0 1.00
cracktro Apple II Bubble Head Trainer Copy/Cat 1983 november 2007 3 0 0 1.00
musicdisk Apple II The Music Disk Walter Marcinko Jr. 1982 august 2008 9 0 0 1.00
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