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type : platform :
type prodname platform group release party release date added rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1k JavaScript Particle Party Desire 9th at js1k 2015 march 2015 march 2015 45 2 0 0.96
1k JavaScript Mysterious Monorail Desire 2nd at js1k 2015 march 2015 march 2015 36 4 0 0.90
wild JavaScript Powerfun Genshiken :: PKTteam n/a at Gipuzkoa Encounter 2015 march 2015 march 2015 6 0 0 1.00
1k JavaScript Galaxy 1K js1k 2015 march 2015 march 2015 10 2 0 0.83
demo JavaScript Dataworld xplsv 7th at NVScene 2015 march 2015 march 2015 9 6 2 0.41
demo JavaScript Monolith 5th at NVScene 2015 march 2015 march 2015 7 3 0 0.70
4k JavaScript Fun Factor 2nd at Instanssi 2015 march 2015 march 2015 3 4 0 0.43
demo JavaScript element/gesture 60% Patient 1st at Instanssi 2015 march 2015 march 2015 7 3 0 0.70
demo JavaScript Ammattilainen Nastolan Multimediakerho 4th at End of the World 2015 march 2015 march 2015 0 0 1 -1.00
intro JavaScript Introlux Genesis Project 2nd at Gubbdata 2015 march 2015 march 2015 4 4 0 0.50
demotool JavaScript Retro Image Tool Light march 2015 april 2015 0 0 0 0.00
invitation JavaScript ScenePT Demoilta 10 (Revision Shadowparty Invitation) march 2015 july 2015 1 2 0 0.33
demo JavaScript Genesis Zomgtronics 2nd at The Gathering 2015 april 2015 april 2015 9 2 3 0.43
4k JavaScript Living in a box Paraguay 7th at Revision 2015 april 2015 april 2015 10 3 0 0.77
demo invitation JavaScript Seven deadly sins Such 5th at The Gathering 2015 april 2015 april 2015 2 2 0 0.50
4k procedural graphics JavaScript Puskamaa Gluster 9th at Revision 2015 april 2015 april 2015 11 1 0 0.92
game JavaScript Touch me together TMP 3rd at Revision 2015 april 2015 october 2015 2 0 0 1.00
4k JavaScript Spelunking 2K Desire 2nd at Outline 2015 may 2015 may 2015 27 2 1 0.87
256b JavaScript cube tunnel Tifeco 6th at qbparty 2015 may 2015 may 2015 9 0 0 1.00
256b JavaScript Hedge Desire may 2015 may 2015 6 1 0 0.86
demo JavaScript "420" Quadtrip 7th at Simulaatio 2015 may 2015 may 2015 12 5 2 0.53
demo JavaScript Tachyon Drift Wide Load 4th at Simulaatio 2015 may 2015 may 2015 3 8 0 0.27
4k JavaScript Herb - the ~1,7 kilobyte disco experience The Royal Elite Ninjas Inc. 3rd at Simulaatio 2015 may 2015 may 2015 9 5 0 0.64
demo JavaScript We want the next Decrunch! Decree 1st at Decrunch 2015 may 2015 may 2015 22 1 0 0.96
demotool Java JavaScript IBXM.js may 2015 may 2015 2 3 0 0.40
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