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Extraliv by Traktor [web]

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			music 		esau
			code		bore & esau
			gfx		esau

		Twelve Nintendo Entertainment System Covers

	Made in 1998 by Esau and Bore. Remade in 2003 by Esau. All
	of the songs (except Level 1 from Gremlins) were composed
	1997-98 by Esau. The concept was to make them sound as damn
	alike the originals as possible. A stupid idea really, why
	not just listen to the actual gametunes then? Anyway, it was
	a nice 12 piece musicdisk, that had taken too much time and
	energy to just lie around unreleased. So - with a little
	touching up of the graphics, tuning of the tunes and optimi-
	zation (hrm.) of the code - here it is. Released at Underscore
	2003, Gothenburg, Sweden. We actually made an attempt to re-
	lease the disk when it was originally finished (after Icing
	98 I think) but Aminet wouldn't let us upload it because it
	contained copyrighted blah blah... Furthermore I have to men-
	tion that the graphics used in the game-collage pic bottom
	left on the mainscreen is ripped with some Nes-emulator for
	windoze and merged in DeluxePaint. All other graphics were
	made with DPaint and the music with Protracker and DBPro. Enjoy!
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