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                        ███████     ████    ████   █████   ████     ██████ 
                        █ ████ █  █    ▓█   █   █   █ █   █   █    █ ████ █
                       █░█     ▒█ █ ████ █  █ █  █  █░█  █ ███ █   █░█    ▒█
                       █░█       ░█ █  █ █  █░█ ░█  █░█  █░█  █ █  █░█      
                       █▒█   ░▒█░▒█░████░█░░█░█░░█  █▒█ ░█░████░█ ▒█▒█▒  ░▒█
                      ░▓███████▓ ▓███ ▓███▓ █████▓ ▓███▓▒██▓░ ███▓ ▓███████▓░

    | Entry name: void                                                                      |
    | Party: Demohässäkkä 2024                                                              |
    | Compo: Anything goes (4K intro)                                                       |
    | Code & Music: Cadiac                                                                  |
    | Tools used:                                                                           |
    | - JavaScript                                                                          |
    | - WebGPU                                                                              |
    | - SoundBox (https://gitlab.com/mbitsnbites/soundbox)                                  |
    | - wgslminify (https://github.com/mgnauck/wgslminify)                                  |
    | - Google Closure Compiler                                                             |
    | (https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.google.javascript/closure-compiler/v20231112) |
    | - Rollup (https://rollupjs.org)                                                       |
    | - pnginator (https://gist.github.com/gasman/2560551)                                  |

4K intro, first released at Demohässäkkä 2024.
Source code and a longer README.md can be found from https://github.com/Cadiac/void.
At the time of release WebGPU only works on modern Chrome (tested on v127.0.6533.120).

Online version: https://void.cadi.ac/


How to run:

Host the file from a local server on localhost, for instance run

$ python3 -m http.server

and open http://localhost:8000/index.html on your browser. This bypasses
the need for CORS-security settings override.

Alternative is to open index.html directly on Chrome with the CORS-security settings temporarily disabled.

You can do this with Chrome startup flags, for instance on Windows:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
    --disable-web-security --user-data-dir=[some directory]

Click near the "Click!" text to start the demo. It should automatically enter full screen mode and
start after 2 second delay, and stop once the demo is complete.

Note that as WebGPU support is still experimental this demo unfortunately won't run on Firefox or Safari.

Thanks Acerola for showcasing this effect!
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