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A Series of Raster Effects by SMFX

             /          /!    \  /     !!           / \  /     / 
            / /  ______/ ! !   \/      !! !   _____/   \/     /  
           :\ \        \_! !           !! !      /\         //___
           ::\______  \ \!            !!!   ____/:/         \\:::
           ::/        / /!     !\/!   !!!     !::/     /\     \::
           :/__________/:!_____!: !____!!_____!:/_____/::\_____\:
           ::::::[ SPKR TOM EXOCET FIVEOFIVE MODMATE XIA ]:::::::
                               P R E S E N T 
           :                                                    :
           :          A SERIES OF  R A S T E R  EFFECTS         :
           :                                                    :
           : 96k Intro for the 0 Bitplane Compo @ Sommarhack 24 :
           :             in Grado, Hedemora, Sweden             :
           :                                                    :
           :               Released July 6th, 2024              :
           :                                                    :
           :                                                    :
           : SYSTEM                                             :
           :                                                    :
           :                    Atari ST 1mb                    :
           :                                                    :
           :                                                    :
           : CREDITS                                            :
           :                                                    :
           :     CODE                                           :
           :     . spkr                                         :
           :     . Tom                                          :
           :                                                    :
           :     GRAPHICS                                       :
           :     . Exocet                                       :
           :     . mOdmate                                      :
		   :                                                    :
           :     MUSIC                                          :
           :     . 505                                          :
           :     . mOdmate                                      :
           :                                                    :		 
           :     ADDITIONALLY                                   :
           :     . Tat/Avena (Minimyser - tools and msx player  :
           :                                                    :
           :                                                    :
           :                                                    :
           : DISTRIBUTION NOTICES                               :
           :                                                    :
           :     This intro can be distributed freely in        :
           :     its unmodified binary form, with all           :
           :     the following files included:                  :
           :                                                    :
           :     . rasters.nfo                                  :
           :     . rasters.tos                                  :
           :     . readme.txt                                   :
           :                                                    :
           :     This production may NOT be distributed         :
           :     in video form without our explicit             :
           :     permission.                                    :
           :                                                    :
           :     Contact us at spkr@smfx.st                     :
           :     BEFORE making your video capture public        :
           :     or we will issue a takedown.                   :
           :                                                    :
           :     Permission for distributing video              :
           :     capture granted to:                            :
           :                                                    :
           :     . Evil/DHS                                     :
           :     . Sommarhack party organisers                  :
           :                                                    :
           :                                                    :
           : A NON-TECHNICAL ESSAY ON THIS DEMO                 :
           : FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO KNOW                         :
           :                                                    :
           :     The basic way to display graphics on           :
           :     the Atari ST is to copy some screen            :
           :     data, in bitplane format, straight to          :
           :     the area of RAM that has been set as           :
           :     screen memory.  The ST's video                 :
           :     architecture then gets to work and does        :
           :     the rendering for you, fifty times a           :
           :     second, like magic.  If your graphics          :
           :     do not then need to update, you can sit        :
           :     back and your image will be displayed          :
           :     on screen - no CPU needed!                     :
           :                                                    :
           :     However!:                                      :
           :     We made this intro for a special               :
           :     competition at Sommarhack 2024 where it        :
           :     was against dem rules to write *any*           :
           :     screen data to screen memory *at all*.         :
           :     A blank screen.  A zero bitplane demo!         :
           :     How can one make effects within this?!         :
           :                                                    :
           :     So the way we do it is through switching       :
           :     the background colour, just like in old        :
           :     fashioned rasterbars.  Rasters use             :
           :     interrupts to wait until typically the         :
           :     beginning of a specific scanline, at           :
           :     which point a tiny bit of code changes         :
           :     the background colour.  This produces          :
           :     the visual effect of a horizontal              :
           :     "line" of colour across the screen.            :
           :                                                    :
           :     Our intro uses exactly the same                :
           :     principle.  However, rather than               :
           :     waiting until the beginning of each            :
           :     line and then changing colour for the          :
           :     whole line, we use some well known code        :
           :     tricks to synchronise our code to the          :
           :     electron beam first.  This means we            :
           :     then have absolute control over the            :
           :     position at which we change the                :
           :     background colour.  We're no longer            :
           :     limited to the very start of scanlines,        :
           :     and can change colour much more                :
           :     frequently with stability.  This allows        :
           :     us to "draw" little lines of colour on         :
           :     the screen (e.g. 8x1 pixels), which we         :
           :     can then stack up on subsequent lines          :
           :     to form chunky "blocks" of colour -            :
           :     big pixels!  Effects are possible!             :
           :     Whoop!                                         :
           :                                                    :
           :     But is it all that simple?  Well.......        :
           :     in short - no.                                 :
           :                                                    :
           :     The single advantage of this approach          :
           :     is that we can display as many colours         :
           :     as we like on screen from the ST's 512         :
           :     colour palette.  Awesome!  And we can          :
           :     also do stuff in the left/right borders        :
           :     very easily, without even having to            :
           :     worry about overscan.  Great!                  :
           :                                                    :
           :     The disadvantages and limitations,             :
           :     however, are major.  They include the          :
           :     following:                                     :
           :                                                    :
           :     1) To make a longer/shorter tiny               :
           :     rasterline on screen to build up our           :
           :     chunky images, we use instructions of          :
           :     different speeds to do the colour              :
           :     writes.  The more CPU cycles an                :
           :     instruction takes, the longer the              :
           :     "line" of the previous colour is               :
           :     displayed for as the electron beam             :
           :     moves across the screen left-to-right.         :
           :     However, for technical reasons, these          :
           :     "lines" are limited to multiples of            :
           :     four pixels in width, starting with 8x1        :
           :     pixels.  Even then, there are                  :
           :     additional limitations when using 8x1          :
           :     lines around how many colours we can           :
           :     display each screenline.                       :
           :                                                    :
           :     2) Similarly, we can only "move" stuff         :
           :     around horizontally (more accurately:          :
           :     create the illusion of horizontal              :
           :     movement) in 4 pixel intervals.                :
           :                                                    :
           :     3) Look closely - you'll see some 4x1          :
           :     lines/blocks too amongst all the chunky        :
           :     crap!  This switch should be impossible        :
           :     and uses a super smart method devised          :
           :     by Mr. Nyh!  But as awesome as it is,          :
           :     the method comes with even more                :
           :     limitations about what can be done             :
           :     where.                                         :
           :                                                    :
           :     4) And the biggest issue of all.....           :  
           :     Unlike when bitmaps are displayed,             :
           :     where you can sit back and do what you         :
           :     like with the CPU in the background            :
           :     while the ST does the rest, all of             :
           :     these display methods eat 100% CPU             :
           :     while they're active.  Unlike on               :
           :     certain rival 16 bit computers, we             :
           :     can't outsource this job to other parts        :
           :     of the hardware!                               :
           :                                                    :
           :     This is a tremendous pain in the ass,          :
           :     especially when we're using the whole          :
           :     of the visible screen area for                 :
           :     effects.  This is because in these             :
           :     instances, we're doing nothing but             :
           :     using the CPU to change colour for the         :
           :     vast majority of every screenline.             :
           :     That means we have to fit our actual           :
           :     effect code either above or below the          :
           :     visible screen area, or when the               :
           :     electron beam is off the edge of the           :
           :     screen in the non-visible area.  So not        :
           :     much CPU to actually do stuff with.            :
           :     Ballache!  And you can forget using SID        :
           :     voice/timer based music, unless you're         :
           :     willing to make even more                      :
           :     concessions...                                 :
           :                                                    :
           :     To summarise: what you see here is a           :
           :     combination of brute force CPU-burning         :
           :     colour switching, packaged up with some        :
           :     brave attempts at lateral thinking from        :
           :     both a gfx and code perspective.  We           :
           :     hope you enjoy it!                             :
           :                                                    :
           :     Real hardware is recommended to watch          :
           :     this thing on.  However, if you simply         :
           :     must use an emulator, we recommend the         :
           :     latest version of Hatari, as Steem does        :
           :     not emulate this demo fully correctly          :
           :     (hi Troed!).                                   :
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