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outer sounds by Outer Heaven

________!_        __                   ___ ___                                    
\_____  \  __ ___/  |_  ___________   /   |   \   ____ _____ ___  __ ____   ____!_ 
 /   |   \|  |  \   __\/ __ \_  __ \ /    ~    \_/ __ \\__  \\  \/ // __ \ /    \ 
/    |    \  |  /|  | \  ___/|  | \/ \    Y    /\  ___/ / __ \\   /\  ___/|   |  \
\_______  /____/.|__|..\___  >__|.....\___|_  /..\___  >____  /\_/..\___  >___|  /....
        \/                 \/               \/       \/     \/          \/     \/ 
\o. presents .o/

Outer Sounds
MSX FM musicdisk

Minimum requirements:
- MSX2 64kB
- MSX-Music (YM2413) OR MSX-Audio (Y8950)
- FDD or Gotek

Maximum requirements:
- MSX2 (uses R800 cpu on turbo-R)
- Flashcart like Megaflashrom or Carnivore2 etc.
- DOS2/Nextor + >128kB memory mapper (for memcaching)
- MSX-Music (YM2413) AND MSX-Audio (Y8950) 
- with full stereo separation (YM2413 on L, Y8950 on R)
  (select expansion 'mbstereo' in OpenMSX)

boot the .dsk image or copy the files to your favorite flashcart and execute os.com
best results on real FM chips

musix   : Meits, Omega, POKE-1,170
gfx		: Zett^Darkstone, Opa
code	: tsjakoe
anims	: tsjakoe, Zett^Darkstone, bitsofbas, GreyFoxNL, FiXato, Quibus
realdisk: GreyFoxNL (label by bitsofbas)

released on: 06-may-2024 (#MaySiXth)
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\_____  \  __ ___/  |_  ___________   /   |   \   ____ _____ ___  __ ____   ____!_ 
 /   |   \|  |  \   __\/ __ \_  __ \ /    ~    \_/ __ \\__  \\  \/ // __ \ /    \ 
/    |    \  |  /|  | \  ___/|  | \/ \    Y    /\  ___/ / __ \\   /\  ___/|   |  \
\_______  /____/.|__|..\___  >__|.....\___|_  /..\___  >____  /\_/..\___  >___|  /.....
 2024   \/                 \/               \/       \/     \/          \/     \/ o^oHn
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