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    | Entry name: Lumispheres                                              |
    | Party: Instanssi 2019                                                |
    | Compo: Pikkiriikkinen demo (4K)                                      |
    | Code & Music: Cadiac                                                 |
    | Tools used:                                                          |
    | - JavaScript                                                         |
    | - WebGL                                                              |
    | - SoundBox (https://gitlab.com/mbitsnbites/soundbox)                 |
    | - Shader Minifier (http://www.ctrl-alt-test.fr)                      |
    | - UglifyJS (https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS)                      |
    | - Brotli (https://github.com/google/brotli)                          |

First released at Instanssi 2024.
Source code can be found from https://github.com/Cadiac/lumispheres.
This has been tested on Safari & Google Chrome.

Online version: https://lumispheres.cadi.ac/


How to run:

Brotli version (4076 bytes): index.html
Start the provided minimal python server up with

$ python3 server.py

and open http://localhost:8000 on the browser.

Click to start the demo. It should enter full screen and start
running after a delay.

All the server does is it hosts the entry and sets "Content-Encoding: br"
header to the file it serves. This enables the browser to correctly decompress
the entry file it receives and interpret it as a HTML file.


Instanssi version (4083 bytes): index.lights.html

This version came with support to control the lights at the event hall using
the local network effects server. This version crashes and only black screen
is seen if it can't reach the server, so this version can really only be run
at the Instanssi venue.

Start the provided minimal python server up with

$ python3 server.py

and open http://localhost:8000/index.instanssi.html on the browser.

Click to start the demo. It should enter full screen and start
running after a delay.


PNG Version (4604 bytes): index.png.html
Tool used: PnginatorModified

Open index.png.html in Chrome or Safari with the CORS-security settings disabled

On windows, for example:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
    --disable-web-security --user-data-dir=[some directory]

Or host the file from a local server, for instance with the provided python server:

$ python3 server.py

and open http://localhost:8000/index.png.html on the browser. This bypasses
the need for CORS-security settings override.

Click to start the demo. It should automatically enter full screen mode and
start after 2 second delay, and exit it once the demo is complete.

PNG version doesn't work on Safari.
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