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Lux Minima, Lux Sancta 1K by Fulcrum [web]

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                               Lux Minima, Lux Sancta 1K

                      Code: 	   Seven
                      tools used:  Crinkler, custom tools

	* Windows Security may bitch about the intros containing malware, I wonder
	  where they think there's space for that ...
     * Any reasonable modern videocar with GLSL image Load/Store capabilities.
       For reference, an RX 6600 renders the 720p version at 400+ FPS. The
       high-res versions do not take much extra processing power (this isn't
	* the 1K-versions are AMD-only, unfortunately, use the safe versions on Nvidia.
     * Make sure VSync is enabled and the framerate is 60 FPS: no Radeon Chill or
       other settings that mess with the framerate!
     * 300 MB ram (for the Crinkler decompression)
     * Windows 10 or 11 
     * 1 kb diskspace

                                  .Thank You
           - Blueberry and Mentor for Crinkler 2.3 and Clinkster
           - Yuruyurau for the original Bubble Universe fractal 
             ( https://twitter.com/yuruyurau/status/1226846058728177665 ) 
           - Kuemmel for their Bubble Universe DOS port, which go me interested in this fractal
                              .About the intro.

After winning R-Sync 2024 with SpyroTranquil 3K, I still had another idea to try with the bubble universe
fractal. This one looks rather different, execpt for a brief moment where the tell-tale rotating galaxy
patterns are briefly visible. The main question was if it could fit in 1K, as the previous algorithm
used 3 passes and atomics in a compute shader. But it turns out basic image load/store in a fragment
shader works good enough. The GPU-based floatbeat music is once again quite basic, although I'm happy
I managed to sync it with the visuals (in a very basic way). Unexpected downside: making the exe with a 
different resolution requires to work out the sync again <headpalm>

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, and please run the exe for a much sharper experience than on YouTube! Also
greetings to everyone watching LoveByte 2024, especially the organisers!

                      .                                  .
                   .:._\  _\.............................:..
                    : \   \                              :
                   ::  '   \ Fulcrum memberstatus:       ::
                    :      ------------------------      :
                   :.   seven.....................code   .:
                    :   coplan...................music   :
                    :   el.blanco................music   : 
                    :   ranger.rick..............music   :
                    :   the.watcher.........code,music   :
                    :   yncke.................graphics   :     
                    :   miss.saigon..............music   :
                    :   kneebiter.................code   :     .
                     ::                                ::     /     .
  ....................::......... . . . . . ..........::...../_    /_.......
                     :                                  :     /     /
       .: . .........:          visit us at :           :..../..... . :.
                    .:         ---------------          :.  '
           ' ''::::::: . http://www.fulcrum-demo.org/ . :::::::' '
                  .  :       .          .             . :
                _/|__:     _/|___     _/|_____      _/|_:_
               _\ _   \_ __\_ ._/__ __\_.    /______\.__ /__        -
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                /____      /_  '     /____\     \___/____     /
                 demo\ ____\ \ ______\sim:1\ ____\tlp.ttn\  __\
                      \|    ::\|            \|  ::     .wt\|
                       '   .::.':.   DEMO   .: .::.        '
                                / - - - - - -\

                                    - - -

                       : use AMIGA TOPAZ fonts, please :

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