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Soil by Alcatraz [web]

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                    Alcatraz                  |
 `----- - --- ------ -----\___/?\/!?\___/?\/--o
   release name: Soil                         |
           type: Amiga 500 - 40k intro        |
   release date: 19.01.2024                   |
   code + music: Virgill                      |
            gfx: Critikill                    |
   Amiga  ASCII: NE7                          |
   rendering worlds,  needs +512k to run      |
   Contact us @ PLK 555-NASE                  |
   I  (Virgill) embarked   on a  delightful   |
   8-week  journey  rekindling   my  coding   |
   skills on the Amiga. After a whopping 33   |
   years, my mind  was practically  a blank   |
   slate. It all began when I pondered if a   |
   routine,   akin  to  my Windows 4k intro   |
   "Xorverse," could somehow find a home on   |
   the  Amiga. Excited, I    fired  up  the   |
   fantastic VScode-Amiga-debug environment   |
   from Abyss, only  to   hit a snag  - the   |
   good    old Amiga    could  only  handle   |
   rendering   a  maximum   of 2   lines of   |
   graphics for those   xor algorithms  per   |
   frame.                                     |
   Undeterred, I decided scrolling could be   |
   a  solution, and  that's  when the  real   |
   challenges surfaced. How on   earth do I   |
   create  a copperlist? What's  the secret   |
   to waiting for    the beam in  the lower   |
   part of the screen? And how in the world   |
   do  I turn the graphics upside down? Ah,   |
   there's  a modulo   register; let's just   |
   brute  force it until   it  looks  good.   |
   Thinking   I could  turn    this into  a   |
   complete intro, I needed a music player.   |
   Choosing Aklang and  LSP seemed   like a   |
   no-brainer,   but  boy,  it gave me more   |
   grey hairs than  I anticipated. Shoutout   |
   to Platon42 and Leonard for coming to my   |
   rescue, helping me run  it smoothly. And   |
   yes, I even had  to dabble  in assembler   |
   to  coax a   beat counter  out   of LSP,   |
   bringing   back  the    basics of  68000   |
   assembly.                                  |
   Next   up on  the    list:  sprites.  It   |
   couldn't be   that  hard, right?  Wrong!   |
   Creating   data  structures  for sprites   |
   turned out to be a headache, courtesy of   |
   Commodore. I longed  for the  simplicity   |
   of the C64. Still, I  somehow managed to   |
   showcase  a  spaceship, invaders,  and a   |
   border.                                    |
   Enter  Critikill,     whose  involvement   |
   injected  new life into the project. His   |
   fantastic graphics  and assets  became a   |
   tremendous source of inspiration. Thanks   |
   a bunch, mate!                             |
   Now, it  was time to tackle the blitter,   |
   a  step that   filled    me   with  awe.   |
   Brute-forcing       blitter     minterms   |
   (resulting  in   the  fire-fx)  was  the   |
   initial   approach      until    Leonard   |
   enlightened   me  on   an  easier way to   |
   calculate them. Blitting  those  bubbles   |
   ensued,  discovering   the  comfort   of   |
   interleaved bitplanes mode. One blit per   |
   bubble   ΓÇô  how    comfy!  Crafting  the   |
   copperlist  for those looping  bitplanes   |
   in  two speeds    took a week  of logic.   |
   Blitting  over  the  repeating  bitplane   |
   borders? Another week :)                   |
   The sine part threw another challenge my   |
   way.  In C,  plotting  many dots  wasn't   |
   feasible, so back to  asm  it was. Speed   |
   increased,  but  occasional jerky  frame   |
   drops persisted.  Thanks  to Platon  for   |
   the  hint  on the  CIA player and how to   |
   fix the waitVBL routine!                   |
   I   could   share     more,   like   the   |
   satisfaction when a  simple fade routine   |
   finally  worked,  or  the art of filling   |
   the  remaining  4k  with a speech sample   |
   when coding fatigue set in.                |
   Major  kudos to  the insane Amiga coders   |
   who've mastered every bit  and trick  in   |
   this machine. It's downright crazy hard!   |
   Special thanks to:                         |
   Soundy  for  the  quick   gradientmaster   |
   update.                                    |
   Magic   for  testing  on real  hardware.   |
   Nosferatu,  Platon,  Dan,   Ok3anos  for   |
   helpful tips.                              |
   Noname, Hellfire, Artlace, and  possibly   |
   others I forgot ΓÇô you know who you are!    |
                                         _  .:!
 <----- ----- -  -   -   -  - ----- ----\/----'

      ___________                 /\
      \          |_____          /  \  ______                  ______________
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    /     Z/     |    |_        /      |    |_  /_____/   Z/    !/ ______/--.
   /      /      |_____/_______/       |_____/ /\     !___/\____|  Z/       |
  /______/\______!NE7      /              \`--/  \______!      /____________!

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