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Absence by The Lab [web]

 The Lab Demos presents a rather unfinished demo in ReAct 2003
                    - a B s e n c e -
                     (final version)

          Code: Nuclear
           Gfx: RawNoise
         Music: Amigo
Additional Gfx: Amoivikos / ASD

A big thank you to the ReAct organizers (nlogn) for organizing
once again a great party.

We want to personally greet:
Nina, Eva-S, Amoivikos, vvas, Navis, Alias Medron, Zouzoulos
j0bo, Psyche, Raoul, zafos, moT, emc, Outsider, imak, Thor
^gfx, Fubyo, Apomakros, Palmuter, nagz, night, aMUSiC, Optimus
Badsector and all the demosceners around the world.

contact: nuclear@siggraph.org

----------------  http://thelab.demoscene.gr  -----------------
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