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Bisman Demo by Pungas De Villa Martelli [web]

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 ------------======================+ PVM +========================-------------
 ----------+     p u n g a s   d e   v i l l a   m a r t e l l i   +-----------
       .---. ===================================================== .---,
       |.  |                                                       |   |
       |   |  Release Date : September 4, 2021                     |   |
       |   |  Name : Bisman Demo                                   |   :
       :   |  Type: Intro for Commodore 64                         |
           |  Author: Alakran/Los Pat Moritas/Arlequin             |
           |                       .   :                           |   |
       :   |                       |   |                           |   |
       |   |  .------------------ -|   `------------------ ----- - :   |
       |   |                       Ý                               |   |
           |                                                       |   |
           |                    Release Notes:                     |   :
           |                                                       |
           |  Released at Flashparty 2021.                         |
           |  We are pretty sure that the prosecutor Alberto Nisman|
           |  was a big fan of Replay magazine                     |
           |  (revistareplay.com.ar) but he was killed.            |
           |                                                       |
           |  Code & Gfx: Alakran                                  |
           |  Music: Los Pat Moritas                               |
           |  Font: Arlequin                                       |
           |                                                       |
       :   |                                                       |
       |   |  .---------------------- -------------------- ----- - :   :
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       |   |                                                       |   |
       |   |            Pungas News & Announcements:               |   |
       |   |                                                       |   |
       |   |                                                       |   |
       |   |                                                       |   |
       |   |  PVM was born in the suburbs of the third world       |   |
       :   |  but still alive under continuous mutation, searching |   :
       .   |  new ways to expand its roots.                        |
           |                                                       |
           |  Te invitamos a leer nuestro nuevo portal Rebelion    |
           |  Digital en https://rebelion.digital                  |
           |                                                       |
           |  Tambi‚n acompa¤amos al proyecto Cybercirujas         |
           |  https://cybercirujas.rebelion.digital                |
           |                                                       |
           |  Don't forget to check out our radio focused on       |
           |  chiptune and the tracking scene (LATAM and beyond).  |
           |  You can listen to it at: http://pungas.space/radio/  |
           |                                                       |
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           | .---------------------- -------------------- ----- - :|
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           |                                                       |
           |         Official Pungas Distribution sites:           |
           |                                                       |
           |             https://pungas.space                      |
           |             telnet://bbs.docksud.com.ar               |
           |             Kung theater BBS                          |
           |             ftp://rock.pungas.space                   |
           |                                                       |
           |                       .   :                           |
       :   |                       |   |                           |   :
       |   |  .------------------ -|   `------------------ ----- - :   |
       |   |                                                       |   |
       |   |                                                       |   |
       |   |           The legendary members of Pungas             |   |
       |   |                                                       |   |
       :   |  Active c64/pc members, mascots and zombies:          |   :
           |                                                       |
           |  AcidBrain - Alakran - Alekhin0w - Arlequin           |
           |  Deadguy - Gauchoide - Kr4k4t04 -                     |
           |  Los Pat Moritas - Mica - R_Train                     |
           |  sc0ring - Soldan - Uctumi - Ysyry                    |
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           |                       .   :                           |
       :   |                       |   |                           |
       |   |  .------------------ -|   `------------------ ----- - :
       |   |                                                       |
           |                                                       |
           |                     Greetings:                        |   :
           |                                                       |   |
           |  Approximate - Atlantis - Aquatic - Mistigris         |
           |  Food - Genesis Project - GOTO80 - Hokuto Force       |
           |  Impure ASCII - LFT - Parasite - Panoramix            |
           |  Siesta - TRIAD - F4CG - K2 - H0ffman                 |   |
           |                                                       |   :
           |                       .   :                           |
       :   |                       |   |                           |
       |   |  .------------------ -|   `------------------ ----- - :
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       :   |                                                       |
           |  Pungas is now accepting coders, distribution sites,  |
           |  musicians, artists, couriers, freaks and haxxors :)  |
           |                                                       |
           |  If you think your site, mind or skills are suitable  |
           |  contact below address.                               |
           |                                                       |
           |                                                       |
           |                                                       |
           |                  WWW: https://pungas.space            |
           |                  IRC: #PVM (Efnet)                    |
           |                  Mastodon: @pvm64k                    |
           |                  FB: https://www.facebook.com/PVM1996 |
           |                  Instagram/Twitter: @pungas64         |
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