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TERRA248 by Napalm

       /\___ ___ _/\______ /\____ _____   |/
 .----\\    \  \\_   _    \\     \     \--.-
 |    /         /    /    /            / /|\
 |   /   _     /     ____/            /   |
  //-Presents-//         _______________
._______________________/ -[ TERRA248 ]- \_.
|                                          |
|       [ 248 Byte Intro - x86 DOS ]       |
|                                          |
|          wiRe's contribution to          |
|              [ Evoke 2023 ]              |
|       July 28th to 30th, Koeln, DE       |
|                                          |
|      Code and Music by wiRe/Napalm       |
|           Rrrola magic inside!           |
|                                          |
| Release Date:                            |
|  July 29th 2023                          |
|                                          |
| Released Files:                          |
|  * TERRA248.NFO (info)                   |
|  * TERRA248.COM (default)                |
|  * T248-152.COM (160x152)                |
|  * T248-128.COM (160x128)                |
|  * T248-100.COM (160x100)                |
|  * T248-072.COM (160x72)                 |
|                                          |
| Requirements:                            |
|  * Pentium-compatible PC, min. 3GHz      |
|  * COVOX LPTDAC for sound output (LPT1)  |
|  * FreeDOS v1.3                          |
|                                          |
| In case of slow DOSBox:                  |
|  [cpu]                                   |
|   core=dynamic                           |
|   cputype=auto                           |
|   cycles=max                             |
|  [speaker]                               |
|   disney=true                            |
|                                          |
| Greets Fly To:                           |
|  * iq                                    |
|  * Rrrola                                |
|  * HellMood                              |
|  * Baudsurfer                            |
|  * sensenstahl                           |
|  * TomCat                                |
|  * fsqrt                                 |
|  * mentor                                |
|  * silique                               |
|  * p01                                   |
|                                          |
| Special greets to sizecoding.org!        |
|                                          |
`------------------------------- [ x86 ] --'
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