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Crank You Very Much by Ninjadev [web]

 __    ___    __    _      _         _     ___   _
/ /`  | |_)  / /\  | |\ | | |_/     \ \_/ / / \ | | |
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 _      ____  ___   _         _      _     __    _
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 \_\/  |_|__ |_| \  |_|      |_|  | \_\_/ \_\_, |_| |

                   by Ninjadev

Ninjadev release for Revision 2023.
Yay for physical demoparties being a thing again,
thank you for a great party! We left home without
a demo, but then we decided we had to make one
anyway 😀

Made using Renin (our open-source demo tool) and

Run in Chrome with the argument
--allow-file-access-from-files and open index.html.

3rd party content: Royalty-free model of the barrel
organ, created by cranberrymk and bought from
https://www.cgtrader.com, later modified by us as
permitted by the license.

Code: stiaje, plomma, capitalism, gildeSUP, rugern
Music: iverjo

<3 With love from Ninjadev <3
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