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soap by Nuclear Meltdown Productions [web]

        SOAP by WAr3Z 3l1t3 proDuctionZ

                550k of bas3 m3mory
                600k of 3xt3nd3d m3mory
                8192k of adlib m3mory (for music)

        sorry... w3 didn't ran out of tim3 so this is not unfinish3d :)
        d3mo wasn't suppos3d to hav3 3nd scroll but w3 did hav3 tim3 to
        mak3 graphix for it ;-(  so h3r3 ar3n't th3 full cr3dits:

        cod3                    3l1t3 war3z d00d
        graphics                3l1t3 war3z d00d
        music                   hsc
        music r3play routin3    hsc play3r
        routin3 box3s sk3tch    3l1t3 war3z d00d
        box3s pix3ll3d by       3l1t3 war3z d00d
        war3z 3l1t3 logo        3l1t3 war3z d00d

        3d obj3cts:

        fuzzy pix3l part        3l1t3 war3z d00d
        7800 pal3tt3s           3l1t3 war3z d00d
        pal3tt3 control ar3a    3l1t3 war3z d00d
        shadow3d t3xts          3l1t3 war3z d00d
        3l1t3 3d33 star f13ld   3l1t3 war3z d00d

        3l1t3 tr4d3r is a fri3nd of min3 and can b3 r3ach3d by 3mail
        from war3zar43r3all13k-rad@war3z.c0m


                         .....lin3 7800...
                 "wh03v3r mak3z th3 7800th DOP3 mak3-fun-of
                   d3mo winz a b1g pr1z3 fr0m th3 3l1t3
                     war3z d00dz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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