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Fantasy Masters - 0B - Ralph McQuarrie by pépé production [web]

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-                MMoDA                 -
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-     Mini Museum of Digitized Arts    -
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-        Fantasy Master 0x0B           -
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-          Ralph McQuarrie            -
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-          conception : pépé           -
-           music : Dma-Sc             -
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- Ralph McQuarrie ?                    -
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- Simply the best illustrator of the   -
- Star Wars saga.                      -
-                                      -
- This ZIP files contains about 180    -
- concept arts, production paintings,  -
- posters and artistic views from the  -
- master.                              -
-                                      -
- RMQ_EP_IV : all about Episode 4      -
-  (2 floppy disks)                    -
-                                      -
- RMQ_EP_V : all about Episode 5       -
-  (2 floppy disks)                    -
-                                      -
- RMQ_EP_VI : all about Episode 6      -
-  (2 floppy disks)                    -
-                                      -
- RMQ_BG : Battlestar Galactica 1978   -
-  (1 bonus floppy disk)               -
-                                      -
-  a unique demo for your Atari STe    -
-  1 Mb RAM is needed                  -
-                                      -
-  ZIP file contains both floppy disk  -
-  and hard disk versions.              -
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-  july 16, 2021                       -
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